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"I punched him. Oh my god. I punched him Gregg." I whisper yell through Bluetooth, looking into my rearview mirror at Gregg's SUV behind me.

"I seen, good form." He chuckles.

"Not funny. I didn't want to hit him, well I did that's a lie. Amaris did too, but I wasn't going to." I groan, pulling into my driveway.

"I'll go in first. I just want to make sure it's safe. You stay out here." Gregg says before disconnecting the call.

Getting out, I walk over to his car and give him my keys. Waiting by Xale's door I watch as he unlocks the front door and steps inside, closing the door behind him. Leaning against the SUV I look around, scanning the quiet street. Perfectly mowed laws, freshly trimmed shrubs. It's why I wanted to move here. The picture perfect neighborhood. Now I realize they are all so oblivious to what's really out there. Completely content in the dark. I almost wish I could go back to that. To not knowing about all of this. I almost get lost in thought thinking about what my life would be if Trevor wasn't a wolf, if he hadn't died, if we were still living here, together. How perfectly normal that would be. The sound of Gregg walking down my porch steps washes away that dream though, forcing me back to reality.

"Hey, I'll grab Xale and the bags. You can go to bed, I've got this. We can talk tomorrow." Gregg says, pushing me aside to open Xale's door.

I just bob my head and wrap my arms around myself, rubbing away the goose bumps that's erupt across my skin from the cool breeze. "Thanks." I mumble.

Kicking off my shoes once inside, I feel like I'm in the wrong house. Everything personal stripped from the inside because Daniel made me pack my stuff up. Pictures of my life no longer displayed on the walls. My grandma's quilt missing from the reading nook by the front window. I should of grabbed that before I left. Maybe I can get Gregg to go back for it, deciding to ask tomorrow, I head to bed. Taking my pants and tank top off I slide into bed, leaving my bedroom door open so I can hear Xale tomorrow. Listening to the sound of Gregg stepping in and out of the house. A thud downstairs echoes in the silent house before I hear the front door close for the last time. The creaking of old wood stairs as he comes up them, bringing Xale to his room. I can't help but overhear whispering between the two as they say goodnight.

"Gregg?" I whisper.

And his head peaks into my room. "Yeah?"

"Can you stay up here. Just till I fall asleep. Tell me one of your battle stories." Suddenly shy and embarrassed I'm even asking, I cover my face with my hands.

"Sure." Sitting down on top of the blanket, Gregg leans back again the headboard. "I turned the air on by the way."

"Thanks, now put me to sleep." I smile up at him. Putting my hands under my head as I stare up at him, I listen intently at his story of victory. Falling fast asleep once I knew he was okay, silly considering, of course he was, he's telling me about it now.

"Goodnight, Ally." He whispers in my ear before I feel wet lips kiss my forehead, and darkness consumes me.

Hushed voices downstairs wake me. Wiping at my eyes I sit up. Looking around for Gregg, I pull on my sweat pants and tip toe to the top of the stairs.

"She's coming back, Daniel's orders." Cody says.

"No, I've told you. I'm not forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to. When and if she wants to go back I'll pack her up. If she doesn't I'll be here to protect her." Gregg huff's.

"So Daniel was right, you like her. You're crossing a line Gregg, don't get between them. He wants her back, you bring her back." Peaking down I see Cody poke Gregg in the chest.

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