Epilogue Part One

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"You need to stop worrying. I'm fine, I promise." I try and calm down Daniel.

Daniels hands lowering to my stomach I internally roll my eyes. I'm not winning this one. He'd lock me in our room if I let him, he worries to much. As soon as he saw me walking around he carried me right back up into bed. "I don't want you over exerting yourself. You've got our little girl in there."

Chuckling, I shove his hands off me. "It could be a boy."

"You'll see. I can feel it. It's a girl." Daniel wraps his hands around me pulling me into his chest. "You need to relax, keep your feet up."

"I can go for walks, Daniel, I'm not bed ridden. I'm perfectly healthy and so is the baby." I groan even as I let myself slide in closer, nuzzling my face into the crook of his arm. "I delivered Xale as a human. I was okay then I'll be okay now."

Growling, Daniel squeezes me closer. "I don't care about then, I care about now. I'd of told you the same thing back then too."

Taking a deep breath I exhale dramatically. Everyday since we found out he's gotten worse. It was sweet at first, now I think he's close to putting me in a bubble, or chaining me to the bed. He won't touch me like he used to, too scared he'll hurt the baby or me. Amaris and I are borderline going insane. We want to him so bad but he won't touch us, not they way we need. So I'm trying to take my mind off of it and he won't let me. It's been eight months. I can't stay in this house any longer, I need to do something other than read and watch television.

Trevor's been so accommodating. I know that it hurts him seeing me like this; pregnant with someone else's child. He comes every morning and walks Xale to school and brings him home after. Watches Daniel coddling me, staying until Xale's asleep every night. If I was less selfish I'd tell him he could take Xale to his cabin. However with Daniel being the way he is I'm not able to do much more than sit and watch as Xale has fun. So instead I asked for Trevor to give up his over nights. Then when the baby comes he can take Xale to his cabin more. He agreed instantly with zero argument yet I still feel guilty.

Patting Daniels chest I push myself up, crossing my legs as I sit facing him. "Did Kelly tell you I needed to be off my feet or that you needed to worry?"

"No, that doesn't mean I'm not going to though." Daniel replies, lifting his arms and putting his hands behind his head.

His arms flexing, his shirt raising slightly. I soak up the sight, lust blazing with an intense burning inside of me. "The only way you're keeping me in this bed is if you make me." I try and sound sultry, raising a single brow. Not sure how enticing I look considering the belly and oversized t-shirt. I could smell my arousal though and I knew it would get to him. I've been unbearably horny this whole pregnancy.

"Not happening." Daniel grunts, leaping out of the bed.

"I swear Daniel I won't have another baby with you once this one's out if you keep this up!" I yell, fed up, crossing my arms and pouting like a child.

Daniel suppresses a smile as he makes his way back to the bed, reaching out for me. I grab onto his hands and he helps me off the bed. "If you don't believe me ask Kelly, she'll tell you it's safe." I try and convince him. I'm so wound up I want to explode. I will explode if he doesn't change his mind soon.

"I'm not asking Kelly if it's okay to fuck you the way I want to. I'm struggling too, Ally. Seeing you like this, your smell, feeling your insatiable need almost every waking moment, it's hard. I'm not risking it. If we do I don't know what Rendell will do." Daniel's hands gently run up and down my arms.

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