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Pain shoots through my neck, waking me. I struggle to breath the burning overwhelming me, and my screams scratch my throat. I grab my neck in both hands, trying to find the source of the pain. My fingers graze my mark, and my heart starts to feel like it's being ripped apart. My wolf goes crazy inside of me, trying to shift but I can't. Her pain and anger consume me. Dulling the burning coming from Daniel's mark making it easier to focus. Amaris wanting to see and kill who ever is the cause of this, before it is complete.

Looking around the cell I realize Gregg is gone. Nobody inside with me, I'm alone. Through the bars I spot a person though. A cloak covering there face and hair, but I can tell it's a women. Her dainty fingers crossed infront of her. A chant leaving her lips, so low I can barely hear her speak.

I'll never reach her, I can't stop this. Even if I could I made a promise to go easily. Closing my eyes I focus on my breathing, calming down Amaris my only priority. She needs to remember the plan. The only thing that matters is that Xale is safe, that the people I care about are safe. A small part of me wishes I'd called my mom and dad when I had the chance. I might never be able to again. To tell them I love them, to hear one last time they love me. The pain rushing through me is so strong it feels like I might die. I thought for some reason this would be easier.

Pulling my legs to my chest, I bite down on my bottom lip, trying to hold in my cries. Nobody will help me now, it's pointless. My tears are for nobody but myself. I repeat to myself over and over I'm doing this for the people I love. Chanting in my head their names. Every pack member and friend, Daniel, Gregg, Xale, Kelly... Everyone. And when I'm done I realize I'm no longer crying. A numbness has taken over. The pain gone and forgotten. I wipe the stray tears from my cheeks.

And that's when I realize it's gone. My wolf howling in pain still. I'm no longer mated.

Touching my neck I no longer feel the scarring of Daniel's mark. I don't get the sparks that usually erupt from it. Amaris whines inside of me, the loss of him overwhelming her, so I block her out. Letting the numbness settle inside of me instead of her pain, I wrap my arms around my legs.

Reminding myself of the people I did this for I stand slowly, turning to the witch outside of the cell. "So when do we leave?"

Without even answering she turns and leaves. "Bitch." I mutter.

Pacing the cell I wait for someone to come. Amaris pushing me to let her back in, I do.

"I'm sorry, Amaris. I know you loved him."

"So did you. Don't block me out, Ally. We need each other now, we are all we have."

Nodding, I sigh. She's right. For now all I have is her, to talk to and to trust. I hear Penelope's soft steps followed by some guards, coming near. Crossing my arms I await them.

"The Alphas have requested you to come up for dinner." A guard huff's.

"I brought some appropriate clothing, Luna." Penelope whispers.

The guards pushes her roughly towards the cell door. "She's a fucking prisoner. Get her dressed mutt."

My wolf growls low at the assault before I can stop her. His eyes shoot to my own and he covers up the fear quickly. Looking down at Penelope while she gets up, then back at me with a smirk. Reaching out quickly he grabs the back of her head and presses her face into the silver bars. I hear the sizzle of her flesh before her screams. Rushing to the bars I reach through and dig my fingers into his arms. The bars burn at my bare forearms but I ignore it. My nails puncture his flesh, blood pouring from his arms. He let's go of Penelope and she drops to the ground, holding her face and I pull him closer. His face pressing up against the bars burning him aswell. I ignore his screams for help as I put a foot up against the bars and pull with all my strength. Hearing the ripping of flesh and cracking of bones. I fall back when his arms tear off his body, his screams stop suddenly. Landing on my back I throw them to the side. Crawling quickly to Penelope. Reaching through the bars I pet her head as she cries, trying to comfort her as best I can. My eyes shoot to the other guard as I hear him step closer. My lips pull back in a snarl, and he raises his hands in submission. Looking at the other guard I realize I've killed him. His face bloody and burnt. Pools of blood surrounding his shoulders, where his arms should be. Grabbing Penelope's face in my hands I meet her eyes. "You'll be okay. Go rinse you face. Leave this pack. Run to Alpha Daniel's. Tell the border patrol I sent you. Nobody will hurt you there." I order.

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