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Staring up at the ceiling I give up on sleep. Then hear my door slide open against the carpet. Looking to my left I see Xale's head poke around the door.

"Daniel." Xale whispers.

"Hey buddy, what are you doing up?" I yawn.

"I had a bad dream. Where's momma?" He whispers, climbing up into my bed.

Lifting the blanket he crawls underneath with me. "What was your dream about?" I avoid talking about Ally.

"A big monster took me away. He was so strong. I couldn't get away." He snuggles into my side.

Wrapping my arm around him, I kiss the top of his head. "No one's going to take you anywhere. You're safe Xale. I wouldn't let them."

"Promise?" He holds up his pinky.

"Promise." I wrap my pinky around his. "Now let's go to sleep. I've got a suprise for you in the morning."

"Okay. Night, Daniel." Xale yawns.

"Goodnight." I whisper into the top of his head.

Hopefully Kelly links me before I have to tell him what happened. I'm hoping seeing Trevor will buy us time. Distract him so I can come up with an answer better then I didn't save her.

I can hear Gregg and Steven whispering in the hall and sigh. I can't make out the words but I know it's about Ally. Xale doesn't need to hear any of it.

"Close my door and leave, now. Xale's safe with me." I link them both.

Closing the link I roll onto my side and wrap both arms around Xale. Resting my chin on the top of his head I try once again to fall asleep.

Giving up on sleep I slide my arm from under Xale. Quietly walking into my bathroom to shower for the day. Rushing through everything I step out onto the cold tiles, and dry myself off with a towel from the rack. Tying it around my hips I run my hands through my hair. Standing infront of the counter I squeeze a line of toothpaste across my toothbrush.

Lost in thought I'm startled by knocking on my bedroom door. Spitting out the toothpaste from my mouth I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. Rinsing my hand off with water from the tap.

Rushing to the bedroom I take a quick look at Xale making sure he is still asleep. Relieved to see him still snoring away. Opening my door Kelly pushes past me. Making herself comfortable on the couch across the room. Rolling my eyes I walk inside of my closet and close the door. Taking a pair of light jeans from the drawer and a plain white t-shirt off the hanger I start to get dressed.

"You shouldn't have left Ally until she was awake." I link her.

"She woke up last night. Aunt Susan linked me she was leaving, I came to say goodbye." She sighed through the link.

"What? I told you to link me if anything changed." I scold.

"She told me to let you sleep. She's currently fighting Gregg to let her walk over here."

Pulling on socks I let out a deep breath. At least I don't have to explain to Xale she could have been dying. Now all I have to do is introduce him to his not dead biological father and hope he doesn't say anything before she gets here.

Grabbing a pair of sneakers I open my closet door and offer Kelly a small smile. "Then go help Gregg bring her over. Tell her Trevor is joining all of us for breakfast. Xale included. I'll get Xale ready."

"Trade?" Kelly pleaded. Giving me puppy dog eyes from the couch.

"That's for not telling me she woke up." I end up laughing out loud.

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