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Anger and pain. They are the only two things I've felt since losing Daniel's mark. I'm fighting with myself and Amaris to stick with the plan. Gregg should be back at the pack by now. Xale should be safe. I try and compromise with Amaris to wait until I form a plan, yet she still pushes. Her constant yelling giving me headaches.

Her screaming over and over to get back to Daniel, to Xale. To fight and win and go back to them. It's tempting, I can't say it isn't. Since getting to Alpha Robert's pack he has locked me into his room. Chains shackled to my ankles and wrists. At least the floors are carpet. However, they are crusted with my blood. Trying to break me he whips me repeatedly. Little does he know the pains all that pushes me forward. Every couple hours he returns and continues. Just enough time for my wolf to heal slightly, so I won't lose to much blood.

I can hear the rattling of keys as he unlocks the door, on time for his usual assault. He's silent as usual, walking around the room as I stand facing the wall. Refusing to kneel or sit, refusing to turn to him and give him the satisfaction of seeing the tears that fall down my cheeks. Taking a deep breath I hold it waiting the first snap of his whip, but it doesn't come. Instead I hear chair legs scrape against the floor.

"My daughter thinks I'm going easy on you. She wishes to take my place. You will do well to submit. She blames you for an awful lot." He spoke.

"I will not." I speak for the first time in his presence. Raising my chin, even if he cannot see from the back of my head.

The sound of his steps getting closer, I feel his breath hit the back of my ear. "You will make a wonderful Luna. I'd hoped I wouldn't have to do this. I thought having taken your mark you would be able to see reason. Mates blind you. Seeing as you killed one of my guards I see you're still loyal to him though. It's a shame really, you're such a beautiful girl. My daughter is quite malicious. Wolfsbane is being soaked into the leather of her whip as we speak, her idea of course. I'd say have fun, but you will not." He whispers.

I smirk as I hear his steps retreat. The door opening again I stop him, shouting over my shoulder. "I'll never be your Luna. If I promise you anything, it is that." I growl. "I won't fight, I'll endure your punishment, but I'll never be your Luna. Tell Lilith I look forward to meeting her."

The room is silent for what seems like forever before I hear the door slam. I wait a moment before looking around the room. He's gone.

"I think I've done it now, Amaris." I link my wolf.

"The Alpha can try but we will not break. I won't let us." She growls.

Sighing, I close my eyes. I haven't been able to have another vision since I was captured. The silver and wolfsbane keeping me to weak. My wolf using all her strength to heal me.

I stand like that, my heart racing, for what feels like forever. Yet when I hear her enter the room I wish I had more time. She doesn't say anything, as quickly as she enters she lashes my back.

Lilith's strikes aren't as harsh, yet the wolfsbane burns hot on my bare skin. I lost count after twenty. My hands burn as I squeeze the silver chains, holding them tight to keep myself standing. I won't fall to this girl. Not after Trevor fought for me. Her lashes become slower in between and I let out a strangled chuckle.

"Tired already? No wonder Trevor wanted me over you. What a weak mate you would have been." I egg her on.

"You know nothing about my mate, slut." She growls.

Shaking my head I smirk, turning to face her. "I knew he liked when I did that thing with my tongue. Right along his collar bone... I get it now. He was waiting for me to bite, to mark him so he wouldn't have to settle for someone weak like you for a mate."

Her slim figure launches for me, dropping the whip, her hands wrapping around my throat. "You fucking bitch. He was going to leave you for me, he never wanted you."

"He rejected you, hunny..." I cough trying to pry her hands from my neck. "He had a kid with me. His death is on you, on your dad, on your mother for not being able to keep a man happy. What's with the men around you all wanting me?" I spat in her face. Snapping two of her fingers back. Pulling her down, punching her in the face with my other hand. Trying to get her mad enough to just end me, end this. Or give me the opportunity to end her. For Xale, for Trevor.

Her fist flies towards my face and I dodge it. Her arms tired from whipping me. Grabbing the back of her head, I pull her hair, turning and smashing her face off the wall. Her nails digging into my hand. I bend her over, kneeing her in the face over and over.

Hearing the door knob smash off the wall, signalling someone rushing in the room I quickly wrap the silver chain around her neck. Turning and pulling her infront of me. Squeezing the chain tight around her throat. My eyes meet Alpha Robert's automatically, but he's brought guards with him.

"This is for Trevor." I growl, loudly.

Yanking her body over my shoulder, slamming her on the ground, I jump on her back. Wrapping the chains around my fists as I pull up ripping her head from her body, blood sprays across my face and before I can even register what I've done I'm surrounded. Men grabbing at my body pinning me against the wall, away from hers lifeless corpse.

Roberts eyes turn black, staring down at his daughters body. Smiling wide as he looks up at me I don't show any remorse. I can't feel bad, not now, and definitely not infront of him. "You should thank me." I laugh.

"Hold her tight! I've had enough!" Robert orders, and in a flash he's on me.

My laugh turns to screaming as I feel Roberts teeth pierce my skin. It feels like hot lava is being poured down my neck and chest into my veins. My wolf is howling out in pain. I try and fight against the men's grasp on me but my efforts are for nothing. I'm to weak against them, my wolf in to much pain she's unable to help. It's unbearable, I can't even breath.

His teeth leave my neck and I gasp for air. The guards dropping me to the ground, I fall to the floor. Pushing myself onto my knees, I growl, low. Even marked I will not submit.

"Ally, he's our mate now. We must." Amaris whimpers.

"He will never be my mate. If you won't help me now, I'll do it myself." I snap at her, blocking her out.

Spitting up blood, I look up at Robert "Try and fight me now." He smirks.

"Unlock these chains and let's see who wins." I snarl, raising my head high.

"Take Lilith's body to be prepared for ceremony." Alpha Robert growls at his men.

Rushing to do so, they all leave. Not wanting to stay in the room any longer.

"I was promised submission. That you would obey." He grunts, sitting down on his chair out of reach.

"I promised I would go easily to Alpha Tyler, not you." I snap. "That I'd do as asked, not withstand abuse."

"I asked you to submit to me." He roars, slamming his fists on the arms of the chair. "Now I have no heir."

"Trust me, it's what's best." I scoff.

His fingers curl around the chairs arms, digging into the leather. He remains silent for awhile, looking down at the blood of his daughter.

Taking a deep breath I try and calm myself.

"I'll just have to make another." The smile on his face menacing.

The air is stolen from my lungs and I freeze.

She didn't knowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ