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Ally on my back, I walk downstairs. Her little feet swinging back and forth in the red fuzzy socks she insisted on putting back on, after our afternoon of passionate forgiveness. Right before she insisted I had to carry her downstairs. My fault really for making up for lost time in one afternoon. If I didn't know it already I'd know now she's got me whipped. I'd hide it if it wasn't so common with Wolves. If I wasn't I'd be worried and so would everyone else in the pack.

Making it to the landing I look over my shoulder. "You want to walk now?" I question knowing she won't want to rub us in Trevor's face, not more than needed. Knowing he's my brother now I partially feel for him as well. Not enough to care though, just enough to consider him. When it came to her I wouldn't care about anyone's feelings enough.

"Mhmm." She nods yes.

Letting go of her legs she slides down from my back. Her arms still around my neck she moves in front of me. Pulling me down she stands on her tip toes, pecking my lips quickly. "No baby talk. Not till I talk to Xale." Ally whispers.

"Of course." I smile pushing some of her hair behind her shoulder.

Taking her hand in mine we make our way into the dinning room. Earlier than I thought we would be, the room still being set up. Omegas running around getting ready for dinner. Ally pulls away, right to work helping to girls. Instead I make a b line for the kitchen.

Starved from missing breakfast and lunch. Opening the fridge I take a water bottle out and grab an apple from the bowl on the counter. Watching as May and Penelope lay food out on trays. Whispering and giggling together at the island. I stand and watch biting into my apple.

"And what's so funny, ladies?" I ask after a few minutes, neither looking up and noticing me.

Penelope turning and opening her mouth to answer but May speaks cutting her off.

"Oh nothing, Alpha, just stupid pack gossip." May shoos me with a waving motion. "Now go, dinners almost ready." Catching sight of the apple in my hand she frowns, stomping over and snatching the half eaten apple from my hand.

"Hey!" I frown.

Squinting her eyes at me she gives me a warning look. "Dinners almost ready. Now go sit."

Rolling my eyes I turn and leave. Opening the water and taking a few sips as I go to my chair. Unable to sit because Ally's in my seat.

"Love, you're in my spot." I interrupt her conversation with Kelly.

Both instantly stopping their chatting, and looking up for the table at me they laugh. Rolling my eyes I pull out my chair, lifting Ally up with ease and placing her on my lap.

"Kelly was telling me you already talked to her about your, condition." Ally looks back at me, a brow raised in questioning.

"What condition, poor Daniel can't get it up?" Gregg laughs walking into the dinning room.

Shooting him a glare. "Not even close, thanks for your concern though."

Laughing, Gregg sat down high fiving Marcus beside him who shook as he held in his laughter.

Looking at Ally I see her face turn red, embarrassed where the conversation has lead. Getting up from my lap she mouths sorry and sits down to my left.

Looking over at Kelly I scowl at her. "I'll deal with you later."

"Hey now. She was just asking how Wolves even had kids. I'm the one who should be mad. I didn't need to know my cousin and his mate were at it like rabbits. Ally just wanted to know why she wasn't already and how to." Kelly links back.

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