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After fighting with Daniel I just couldn't take my mind off of him. I was distracted during training, the busted lip proof of that. Thankfully it's healed enough that you wouldn't know it got split open, it's only swollen and bruised now. Getting out out of the shower I wrap myself up in a towel. Hissing when I rub the burn on my wrist, from pulling out dinner tonight. Towel drying my hair I start to brush it out, working out the knots throughout my hair from training and playing with Xale and his friends.

Pulling on a pair of black panties and a black cotton thin sports bra, I throw my wet towels in the hamper. Walking out into an empty bedroom. The smell of Daniel still fills the room, calming me slightly. Since this morning I haven't seen him. Haven't talked to him. I tried to link him but he blocked me out. Pulling back the blankets on his side I cuddle into his pillow, inhaling his scent I feel myself start to cave. Maybe he's right, maybe I shouldn't take it. Not because I don't think it's a good idea but because my wolf isn't happy without him around, without him happy. The idea of not doing something because a man told me not to isn't sitting right with me though. My feminist side starting to peak out. I toss and turn in the bed unable to get comfortable. Amaris fighting me, pushing me to search for Daniel.

Sighing, I get up and grab a pair of black sweats and put them on, deciding to look for him. To tell him he wins. I won't take it if it means so much to him. It's not worth losing sleep, fighting with my wolf or him ignoring me.

Knocking on his office door downstairs I listen for anyone inside but it's silent. Walking in I frown, his desk lamp on, the room empty, I go to turn it off. Standing behind his desk, papers and folders lay haphazardly on it. Sitting on his chair I start to go through them sorting them into piles. Lifting a small folder I find his phone, seven missed calls and unread text notifications light up on the screen. Peaking my interest but I push it aside and continue. A ding sounds from his phone as he receives another message and I look down at the phone.

Vicky- I missed your touch. Thanks for the visit handsome. See you soon. Xo

A low growl escapes me as I snatch up the phone and stomp out of the room.

"Where is he?" I growl loudly, linking Gregg.

"Who?" He responds, groggy. I must have woken him. I'd be sorry if I weren't so pissed.

"Daniel. Tell me where he is now!"

"Woe woe, Ally what's going on? I don't know where he is. What's wrong. I'm coming now." Sounding more awake, I hear the panic in his voice.

Running up the stairs, I put on my white sneakers and a black tank top. "Good, you can watch Xale."

Opening the first door, Gregg's running toward the house. "What happened? Are you okay?" Gregg huff's, stopping in front of me.

"Go inside, watch Xale for me. I'm fine, but your Alpha won't be once I find him." I mutter walking around him, heading for Kelly's.

"As you wish your majesty." Gregg hollers jokingly, making me chuckle. Even pissed off he still makes me laugh. Unfortunately for Daniel my wolf is still mad at him.

Walking into Kelly's without knocking I spot her sitting on her couch, reading.

"Hello to you too." She sassed, closing her book, raising a brow at me.

"Not the time Kell's, where's Daniel?" I ask. Holding onto the door handle, just needing the location so I can find and punch him. He knew how worried I was about something like this happening. He knew how hurt I was about what Trevor did. How could he do this to me?

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