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Biting down on my bottom lip I hold back my cries. My nails dig into the wood of Daniel's desk as I lay on it. Exposing my back to Feronia, as she prods at it, cutting open the lashes so she can get the wolfsbane out from under the puss filled skin. I'd gotten used to the pain of having them there. Having Feronia work at them hurt more than the lashes I endured to get them.

"Stop, you're hurting her." Daniel growls, bursting through his office door.

"Kelly, get him out." Feronia says calmly.

Turning my head on Daniel's desk, I watch as Kelly goes to push him back out of the room. His wolf is on edge and I feel bad for having him go through this. Even if Amaris doesn't right now, she's conflicted. She knows he's our rightful mate, but with Alpha Robert's mark she wants Robert. Luckily my human side is more logical. "Daniel I'll be fine, get out." I whimper.

Feronia digs something deep into my back and I let out a scream. Squeezing my eyes shut I dig my nails deeper into the desk. Trying hard to focus on something other than the pain.

A thud sounds in the room before hands on my face brush away my tears. Daniel's soothing voice letting me know it's him. "Shhh I'm not going anywhere."

"I-i don't w-w-want you to see this." I hiss through the pain.

"Then I won't look. I'll only hold your hand. If not for you, for my wolf. Please, Ally." He begs.

Groaning, I open my eyes and look straight into his. Gold fills his once dark brown eyes. His wolf is going to break. Nodding, I grab his hand quickly, squeezing with the same strength I used on the desk he lets out a low groan and I chuckle through the pain. "You asked." My wolf and I feel tingles of our heat at his touch. The horny bitch wants sex during this?

Looking over I see Kelly rolling her eyes, Febris helping her from the ground. "He deserves it." She mutters and I chuckle again.

"Hurry before she breaks his hand. I'm not putting it back together if she does." Kelly scowls at Daniel.

"I'm almost done, just two more left." Feronia mumbles. "Pass me some bandages. Once I've got the wolfsbane out she will start to heal, but I don't know how strong her wolf will be. I'm surprised she could shift. I don't want her to lose to much blood." Still working away at my back. I try to focus on her voice instead of the pain.

"We will be fine, Ally." Amaris tries to comfort me.

I feel Feronia's hands leave my back and sigh in relief. Closing my eyes and pressing my cheek against the desk.

"This won't hurt much now that they are all open and the puss is gone getting the wolfsbane out will be easy." Feronia explains.

Nodding, I brace myself. Squeezing down on Daniel's hand again when I feel hot liquid spray across my back. Quickly it turns ice cold and I jerk my shoulder. Feronia's hands back on me the feeling of skin and cloth tapping away at my back less painful. I sigh in relief, at least she didn't lie. Letting go on Daniel's hand he squeezes mine, keeping our hands joined together.

"The bandages." Feronia speaks up.

"Here." I hear Kelly say. Then feel my back being covered with strips of fabric.

"Can you do the ritual now?" I groan. "Just get it over with. You know, before I wimp out."

Opening my eyes I see Febris putting her hand on Daniel's shoulder. A small nod passes between them before he stands. Amaris's heat sparks. Jealously over the touch confuses me. So she wants to have sex with him but doesn't feel the bond? Febris's eyes meet mine and she crouches low. "If you think you're strong enough. Don't push yourself though, it can wait till morning."

She didn't knowUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum