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"Did you read the books you took?" His voice interrupts my thoughts and I turn onto my side and look at him.

Shirtless in my bed, arms crossed behind his head. He just told me about the rogues, explained what that fully meant. He told me about what his mom said and that he thinks we should leave soon. My wolf convincing me to say yes, tomorrow we drop of Xale at Kelly's. The next day we leave in search for this witch, or witches, I don't know, but he's convinced they will know why I haven't shifted. My wolf said before we weren't ready and to trust her, but I think even she's doubting that. I'm kind of glad I haven't shifted yet. So much has changed already, a part of me wants to go back to normal,the rest of me knows that not possible. I might as well embrace the change.

"Yes, actually. There was this kids book though, well it looked like a kids book. I don't know what's real or not. Here, one second." I yawn, turning over and grabbing it out of my nightstand drawer. "It says some of her children can shift humans. Like what Xale did with me. I was thinking, in the beginning it says a supermoon was present for the first of her children's shift. We haven't had one yet. When you become of age when did you shift?" I asked.

"The first full moon." He looks over at me and his face frowns in confusion. "All new wolves shift together right under the full moon when reaches its peak. In our pack we hold a run so the new wolves can form a better bond with the older ones. It helps form a better link. When a wolf comes close to age, their wolves come forward. We can hear them then. We get better sight, hearing, smell. Then after you shift your wolf bonds to the pack, if it doesn't you become rouge." His face turns up to the ceiling and he stares off. "I'm worried your wolf might not bond to my pack." He mumbles turning away from me. I can see the sadness in his eyes and place my hand on his chest, rubbing it up and down, trying to comfort him.

"What could we do to make sure I don't go rouge?" I question.

"My mark would bond us together, our wolves together. If we do that you will start your heat soon after though. You aren't ready for that and I won't mark you till I know it's safe." He turns to face me, placing his hand over mine and squeezing it. "I'm not sure if it's even possible before you've shifted. I don't know if you can handle the mark without being fully changed. You have to be eighteen before the mate bond can happen. By then you can shift into your wolf and you have become stronger. I don't have all the answers yet, I'm sorry."

"We are strong enough." My wolf said to me and I wanted to believe her, but a part of me also wanted more time. "Then we go find answers. Tomorrow. Let's go to sleep." I assured him and turned onto my back. Pulling the covers up over me as I turn onto my other side, facing away from him, staring at the wall.

Hearing him shuffle around before laying still. "I am sorry." He whispers.

"I know." I sighed. I'm not mad he doesn't have the answers, I'm upset my life got flipped around and I don't know what to do. I've always been certain about everything in my life, and now all I can do is guess. Everything is different now. I just need time to adjust, to figure out how my life will work now. How Xale and I will live now, as wolves.

I close my eyes and wiggle around getting comfy, but when my butt touches his leg and I go still, pausing to see if he noticed then wiggle closer to the edge of the bed. I feel the bed bounce as he holds in a laugh. "Love, I've touched and seen it all. Don't be modest now." He groans and wraps his arm around me, pulling me into him, my back connects to his chest and I feel the same sparks as before. He pushes his face into my hair and I can feel his chest rumble in a purr and my wolf yelps excitedly in my head. "Our mate!" She exclaimed and I close our link. She's at peace in his arms, but I feel guilty. Refusing to lose sleep I close my eyes, praying tomorrow brings more answers then questions.

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