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Pulling up to the pack house, I watch the two guards who usually stand out at the front door walk away from the house. I look to Daniel and he parks the car before turning to me. "They are going to stay close but just walk around. Kelly's inside waiting for us with Xale. She told him they are coming." I nod and go to get out and he grabs my hand pulling me back.

Looking over at him, I furrow my brows. "What?"

"Nothing, never mind, let's go." He says and hops out of the car, running to my side. He opens the door for me, and in return I smile and walk over to my parents car. Waiting for them to get out.

"Come on, let's go. This is Daniel's." I say once they get out. Walking up to the front door Daniel's holding open I look back at my dad. He's looking around, standing in place. His mouth opens like he's going to say something but my mom cuts him off.

"So where is my little grand baby." She squeals.

A smile crosses my face and I grab her hand and pull her inside. "Come on, Dad." I yell over my shoulder and walk past Daniel and into the livingroom.

Xale jumps off the couch from beside Kelly and runs into my mom's arms. "Grandma!"

"Thanks, Bubba, missed you too." I joke and go over to sit beside Kelly, looking over at my dad and Daniel walking in.

"Xale helped me make some dessert for after dinner. Dinner should be done soon if y'all want to have it early." Kelly says breaking the silence.

Patting the couch cushion beside me, I catch Daniel's eye and he smiles. "Yeah, you two should stay, Kelly's a good cook." Daniel pipes up, walking over to sit down.

My mom looking over at us adverting her attention from Xale. "Yes, that sounds great. Thanks." She smiles and turns back to him while he continues to ramble on about some game on his tablet, my mom pretending to be enthralled.

My dad just grunting and taking a seat on the opposite couch, his eyes bouncing back and forth between Kelly and Daniel.

"Ouh, sorry, this is Kelly, Daniel's cousin. Kelly this is my mom and dad. Marion and Doug." I introduce them.

Kelly stands up to shake my dads hand, then wave back at my mom who's now staring at the tablet with Xale on the floor.

"Nice to meet you two, I've heard a bunch about you." She smiles at my dad.

A grunt leave his mouth before he turns to me with daggers in his eyes. "Sorry I can't say the same."

"Dad!" I scowl and he turns his head from md, wiping a hand down his face.

"Well, I'll go check on dinner." Kelly spoke before getting up and leaving the room.

Turning to Daniel, I give him a smile and he grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb up and down across my knuckles. Smiling back at me.

"So where are you two headed?" My dad interrupts.

"Just a couple hours out of town. I was going to introduce her to a couple friends." Daniel answers fast.

Relieved, I move off the couch onto the floor with my mom and Xale. I don't want to lie to my parents. "Hey bub, go say hi to grandpa." I tell him.

"Okay, momma." He grabs his tablet and runs to my dad. Jumping on the couch beside him, he starts chatting away.

"Want a tea?" I offer my mom.

"Yes, I'm dying. Your dad's cut me off for the day. Let's go." She whispers and I laugh. Getting up, I reach a hand out to help her up.

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