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Laughing, I grip Gregg's shoulders tighter. "Stop bouncing, my ankle hurts."

Hiking me up higher on his back, I feel him chuckle. "I bet it doesn't even hurt anymore."

"You dare question your Luna?" I joke. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I lean my cheek against his back.

"I wouldn't dare, your majesty." He grumbles.

Smiling wide, I look around at the pack houses ahead as we get closer to Kelly's. Hoping she's home to look at my foot. "You offered to give me the piggy back." I mumble, yawning, tired from training and the adrenaline wearing off.

"That's before I realized how it might look to Daniel." He whispers and I feel his body tense.

Glancing over his shoulder, I roll my eyes when I spot Daniel stalking over towards us. His eyes black with anger, I groan. "Put me down."

Stopping, Gregg slowly lowers me onto my feet. Gripping his shoulders tightly I put my weight onto my right leg, holding myself up.

"Here, use my hand." Gregg's eyes are filled with concern and worry, but as they flicker from me to Daniel and back I'm not sure if it's for me anymore.

Grasping his hand, I squeeze it reassuringly and offer him a small smile. "Let's go, ignore him. He can follow us if he likes."

Limping towards Kelly's, we walk right by Daniel. I watch as he stops in his tracks and folds his arms as if expecting us to halt to him, but we continue to the house, walking right past him. Hearing a low growl, I feel Gregg flinch and snort at Daniel's childishness.

"It's not like he cares about me. It's probably just the possibility of the pack seeing us. He's over reacting. They will know I got hurt by the end of the day. Stop worrying." I whispered, making sure Daniel didn't hear me, I peak over my shoulder at him. His arms still crossed, he follows close behind.

"He cares." Gregg snorts.

"And you think that because? He stuck you with me the past two weeks. You've seen me everyday, all day. Have you seen him around?" I spat. "Does that sound like someone who cares?"

My steps falter and I trip. Catching myself I grab onto Gregg's hand with both of mine, pulling him down with me. His body landing on me with a thump, our heads knocking together. "Oww, fuck." I squeal but soon after am in a fit of laughter. Gregg's face turning red as he realizes his hand was on my boob. Quickly scurrying off of me, he kneels beside me.

"It wasn't that funny." He groans.

"Y-yo-your face." I respond, gasping for air.

"You done now?" He asks, holding out a hand.

Trying to calm myself down, I bite down onto my lips. Shaking my head yes, but my chest is still shaking with laughter.

Raising a brow at me, Gregg jerks his head towards Daniel and stands. Looking around Gregg there Daniel stands eyes staring directly into my own.

"He's pissed." My wolf comments.

"Not as much as I am." I link her back, rolling my eyes internally.

Looking over at Gregg, I grab his hand and pull myself up. "I'm done now, lets go." Plastering a fake smile on my face, I nod towards Kelly's and we start walking again.

"He's going to give me a headache." Gregg chuckles.

"Hmm?" I question, my eyebrows knitting together.

"If he screams any louder at me through our link I might become deaf." He jokes.

Chuckling, I nudge his shoulder with my own.

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