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Laying back in the bed, Daniel fiddles with my hand and I stare at our fingers, procrastinating getting out of bed. The house still so quiet, but I've got things to do.

"I should go wake Xale. We have to eat before training." I sigh, glancing over at the side of his face.

His normal scruff alittle longer than usual today. It's rugged and causes erotic thoughts to flash through my head. How it felt between my legs, against my chest. I squeeze my legs tight. His eyebrows pull together and I see him swallow, his eyes never leaving our hands.

"I don't want you training with your wrist like that."

"I have to. He learned so much in human form, but in his wolf form he needs my help. He is bigger than most of them, stronger, and I don't think anyone is actually trying, they don't want to hurt him by accident. He is to young to stop his wolf from hurting them." I whisper.

"Then I'll train with him. I don't want you hurting yourself, or making it worse, or my pack members getting hurt either." Taking my hand in both of his he traces his fingers around the bruises. "You're healing quickly. These are alot better than a couple hours ago."

"What about pack work?"

"It will still be there after."

Pulling my hand away I sit up and smile down at him. Pulling my hair out of my elastic and raking it back up into a pony tail. "Anything I can do then?"

"I've got men coming to deliver stuff for that park you so subtly asked for. You could go with Marcus and meet them at the border, make sure everything runs smoothly with humans around." He offers.

"Consider it done." Patting his lap I grab my shorts from the bottom of the bed and slip them on. Standing up beside the bed I turn to Daniel. "Thanks for the nap, Amaris wouldn't let me sleep last night."

Chuckling, Daniel smirks at me. "Welcome to being mated, Love."

"So I can expect this anytime I'm mad at you? Great." I reply sarcastically.

"That's why mates are never mad long." He explains, getting out of bed and running his hands through his hair

"So you slept just as bad as I did?"

"I couldn't even fall asleep. My wolf and I fought all night on whether I should just break through that door." His answer was honest, I could tell by the sincerity in his eyes. Regardless of how caveman like it was I found it sweet. Sweetened even more by the fact he never did. Although a small part of me wished he had. I was starting to like the possessive caveman part of him. Or atleast I was getting used to it.

Stepping towards the border in silence with Marcus beside me I shove my hands into my khaki short pockets. Looking down to make sure my boobs aren't falling out, my light pink tank top tight against my chest. I'd usually feel uncomfortable in clothing like this but it's hot and Daniel's made me feel so confident lately.

"So are they just going to give the stuff to us or build it? Daniel didn't really explain, he just said to make sure they didn't see any of us shift or anything." I say, breaking the silence.

"Build it. That's why we are here. We can link anyone around to be cautious. They will listen to us." His eyes remain up ahead, nodding at the men at the border barely even acknowledging them.

"Hello, we are here to meet some builders. No shifting around them, pass that along please. They are humans. We are going to escort them to the area and stick by till they are done. Shouldn't be long." I start. Looking at the taller more serious looking one, his hair short and blonde, before turning to the shorter one. He's still tall maybe 6'2, but next to Mr. Serious and Marcus he looks short. His hairs alittle longer and more dirty blonde than his friends. "Marcus or I will let you know when they are gone and you guys can shift again. What's your name? Sorry."

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