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He hasn't forced himself on me yet, but I'm waiting for it to happen. I walk on eggshells around him. My back still burning from his daughters lashes, the wolfsbane still running through me. He Alpha orders me to do things but it doesn't work on me, so I pretend. He trusts me now, or at least he trusts I'll do as told. I'm aloud to wander inside his pack house now. He ordered me to never leave and I haven't. I need to form a plan first. One that doesn't get Daniel's pack attacked. Gregg should be back there by now, keeping Xale safe.

Making myself some mac and cheese, I stir in some milk and butter. The omegas all working around me, as they prepare food for the higher up pack members. Nobody speaks to me, except for a female guard Robert has following me everywhere. Just incase, he says. We've gotten close, she even brought me chocolate last night. She's nice, considering. Being apart of Alpha Robert's pack member doesn't make you a bad person. Beating omegas, killing lone wolves who want entry, following an Alpha who killed his mate to have someone already mated, that does though. It's hard to see good in people who have none inside of them. However my heart goes out to the weak, the women and children of this pack.

When I was at Daniel's pack it seemed like everyone enjoyed what they did. They all were important and treated with respect. Now I've been to two different packs, and they both hold omegas to such low regards.

Mixing in the cheese I stir till it's all melted, and grab a bowl. Pouring a little into it and taking a spoon out of the drawer. Sitting at the small table in the kitchen. Across from my guard, Lisa. Although a female she's scary. A dominant aura washes in waves off of her. Her green eyes look at me as I look her over. Her brown hair is short, buzzed, longer on the top. Tattoos cover her neck down, I'm not sure how far though, I've only seen her in high collared long sleeve shirts.

Finishing my lunch I wash my bowl and put away the left overs. I always cook more than I can eat since I learned all the omegas get is left overs here, it's the best I could do to help. Washing my hands I make my way to the library. Picking up the book I left in the little reading nook, I get cozy.

"Aren't you bored of reading yet?" Lisa groans.

"What else do you suggest I do?" I raise a brow, lowering my book.

"I don't know. Watch a movie? Ask to go outside." She shrugs.

"You think he will let me outside?" I ask in suprise.

"I don't see why not. He can just order you not to leave his land."

"Where is he?"

"Dungeon." She stands, stretching.

"Can we go down there so I can ask?" I slip off the cushioned nook, throwing the book down.

"You're aloud to. Come on, I'll bring you down there."

Following close behind, we walk down halls and turn down more. The pack house here is more of a maze. Once I found the library and kitchen I didn't venture off those paths.

Two guards stop us at a door and Lisa nods. Opening the door for us the smell hits me. Rotting and feces. I gag slightly and pull the collar of my shirt over my nose. Lisa doesn't even seem fazed. Walking down the stairs to another door, guards posted on either side of it aswell they open it when we get close. Not even my shirt can mask the smell now. Screams and groaning can be heard throughout the aisles of cells. Looking around I wouldn't know which one to go down to find him. "Do you know where he is down here?" I turn to Lisa.

"I'll just link him to meet us here." She answers before I can see her eyes glaze over.

Looking around I wander close by. Looking into cells I pass. Some men, some women. All in different states of pain. My heart wrenches in my chest.

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