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Laying on Daniel's chest, panting, I hear my stomach growl loudly. Daniel's chest shaking as he holds in his laughter, I swat his arm. Sliding myself from on top of him while I search the floor for his shirt. Kneeling to look under the couch, I frown. Where did it go?

"What are you looking for? Come back here." Daniel motions back to his lap.

My eyes fall to his crotch and I snap my legs shut. How is he hard again already. My eyes wide I look up into his eyes. "No, no. I need food. I'm looking for a shirt so I can go look for something to eat."

I look behind me and spot the track pants I was wearing. Still no shirt though. Standing I push my hair behind my ears. Daniel groaning as I turn back to him. His finger holding out his shirt from earlier. Snatching it before he can pull me back down onto him, I pull it on. Tossing my hair out of the collar and behind my back.

"You want anything to eat?" I holler making my way into the kitchen.

"You." His voice low, filled with lust. I can feel my heart start to speed up inside of my chest. I almost go back in the room but my stomach growls again, like to remind me why I'm in here. Looking back into the fridge I decide on icecream. Grabbing the tub of mint chocolate chip.

Opening the fridge, I roll my eyes. "I meant to eat." I mumble.

Footsteps nearing me let me know he left the comfort of the couch. Setting the icecream down I reach for a bowl, standing on my tippy toes as I try and get one off the top shelf. The hardness of Daniel's chest pressing against my back. His hand reaches past mine, taking one down for me. Lowering myself I feel his shaft rub against my back side. The nakedness of him doesn't go unnoticed. The only thing between us the thin cotton of his shirt I'm wearing.

"I stand by my answer." He whispers in my ear.

A shiver runs through me, his smell, touch and words clouding my brain. Taking the bowl from his hand with timid fingers I go to place it down, but it drops from my hand. Daniel's hand cupping my sex as I grip the edge of the counter. Sensitive from everything he's done to me today. I push my hips back into him, wrapping my fingers around his wrist. His fingers slip into my swollen center, a whimper passing my lips as I feel myself becoming wet again.

Skillfully he works my insides. His fingers starting a fire inside of me. I feel my wetness soaking his hand. Nothing but the sound of my panting filling the room. Daniel's hand alone brings me quickly to release. When I'm about to cum, when I can't hold on any longer he presses his thumb against my clit and I explode. My essence dripping down my thighs. I almost cripple over in exhaustion. His other arm catching me before I hit the counter. Holding me close to him, he works me until every wave of release has passed. Only then does he turn me in his arms. Staring deep into my eyes as he slides his two fingers into his mouth, sucking my cum that coats them, groaning as he does so.

It should disgust me but it doesn't. Instead I find myself grabbing him by the back of his neck. His mouth meets mine and I let his tongue slip through my lips, loving the taste of me coating his mouth. That it was me he craved. But all too soon he pulls away. My stomach letting out another painful growl. He picks me up and sets me on the island. Kissing my forehead before turning his back on me and picking up my icecream.

"Now I'll make you some thing to eat." He smiles back at me. Putting away the icecream. Grabbing different meats and cheeses from the fridge. He starts making me a sandwich.

"Are you not hungry?" I look up from the sandwich he finished making, placing it beside me. Watching as he goes to fill the bowl with dill pickle chips. Putting it down beside my plate.

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