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Sitting at the island I push around my food with my fork, not actually hungry. If Penelope told the truth Gregg should be coming here today, if he doesn't I've got to put her in the cells. Cody's on edge since her arrival. He doesn't trust her, and maybe I shouldn't either. She's given me no reason to, she won't tell me anything. She was badly hurt,ost sight in one of her eyes from a silver burn. Kelly takes her everywhere. Honestly I'm glad I don't have to entertain her. The sight of her just makes my mind wander, thinking of all the things that Ally might be enduring.

Sighing, I push the bowl away from me and give May a tight lipped smile. The pity in her eyes to much to stay and talk.

Walking upstairs I make my way into Xale's room. Pushing open the curtains, I sit beside him in his bed. Rubbing his arm as I try to wake him. After telling him last night about Gregg coming back he screamed for hours, asking over and over why his mom wasn't coming back with him, why she wasn't linking him still. I should of been more honest this whole time, but I didn't want to be the one to tell him he'd lost two parents. After calming him down a little he started to cry. His tears soaked my shirt as he sobbed for hours. Eventually falling asleep as birds chirped outside the window.

It's close to four and Gregg still hasn't showed. I'd hoped I could let Xale sleep until he got here with good news but I thought wrong.

"Xale, wake up dude." I whisper.

His groans remind me of his mom, my mate, and I felt tears build at the corner of my eyes. Wiping them away quickly, I shook his shoulder. "If you don't get up you won't sleep tonight. Please, Xale."

"You're not the boss of me." He huffs, turning away from me, pulling his comforter over his head.

Sighing, I lay beside him on my back. Crossing my arms behind my head, I kick off my shoes, getting comfortable. "No, I'm not. You want to sleep we can sleep."

"I want to see my momma." I hear him cry into the blankets.

Turning on my side, I pull him in to my chest. "Me too, let's take a nap. May can wake us for dinner."

His face nuzzles into my neck and I take a deep inhale of his scent. Closing my eyes I push out everything in my mind, except how glad I am to have him here with me. He's all I have left of her.

"Alpha!" Steven links me. One of Gregg's men. Jolting me up, Xale jumping up with me.

"What is it?" I huff.

"Gregg is here. He is on his way to the pack house now. He hasn't said a word." He links back.

Looking down at Xale I mess up his hair. "Go shower and brush your teeth. I'll have May make some cookies for dessert if you're downstairs in thirty minutes."

"Okay." He spoke. His voice low, uncaring. Not at all the same way a six year old should sound when talking about cookies.

Sliding my feet into my shoes I watch him shuffle into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I hear the sink turn on and head downstairs.

Sitting on the bottom step, I wait for Gregg to get here. I link Kelly. "Come to the pack house. Bring the girl."

"Already on my way, Steven linked me."

Closing the link, I run my hands through my hair, nervous. Stopping myself I rub them on my pants and cross my fingers together. As if I willed it, he walks through my door.

Dropping a duffle bag to his feet I can see the tears in his eyes. His head shakes no and his hand cups his mouth. "I'm so sorry." He muffles through his fingers.

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