When Your Father Comes Back From The Dead And Is Still An Ass

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Serena couldn't move. She couldn't move, she couldn't think, she could barely breathe let alone comprehend the fact that her father was sitting right in front of them. She could barely understand that much less how she felt about the revelation. If anything, she felt like her heart was being torn into a million different pieces, each piece feeling a different emotion and she didn't know which piece of her heart to follow, or what she should feel.

During her internal crisis, Jace hadn't said anything either as the only sounds in the warehouse came from Michael Wayland pulling himself to his feet and stepping out of the lockers.

"Dad?" Jace muttered as if he was scared it was all a dream.

"Father?" Serena whispered at the same time, needing to know if he was real or not.

"My children," Michael replied, as if he also thought he was dreaming before he wrapped his arms around the two of them.

Tears did leak from Serena's eyes but she didn't know if they were happy or sad, perhaps even both. This man who was hugging her was responsible for so much pain in her life, pain that only she and he knew. No one, not even Jace knew. But he was still her father. He had still raised her and her brother and he'd fought valiantly before he was killed by Valentine.

And everything that she'd been pushing away for years came bubbling back up as her body trembled inside this hug.

"I can't believe it," Michael gaped as they both clung to the father that they hadn't seen for the better part of two decades. "Son, you're hurt," he said as he spotted Jace's wound before placing a calloused hand on each of their cheeks. "How did you find me?" he asked as they cried, Clary standing awkwardly to the side.

"You were dead," Serena said, the image flashing in her head.

"Valentine killed you. Valentine...Valentine's here," Jace rambled as he had one arm holding onto his father and the other his sister, one arm anchoring him to reality and the other gripping onto a dream.

"No, Jace, Serena. It's me," he promised as he met both their eyes, and then he saw Clary. "I'm Michael Wayland. Jace and Serena's father. I know what they told you, but I've been here for 10 years. Valentine took off and left me," he explained, still gripping onto his children for dear life.

"And Jocelyn Fairchild?" Clary asked and Serena could feel Jace grow weaker.

"He took her with him. You are?" Michael asked.

"I'm Clary, her daughter. Meliorn, the Seelie, told me that he was here with her," Clary said.

"Father, Jace is -" Serena began before he collapsed, both Wayland's catching him and holding him upright.

"Serena?" Michael asked for an explanation.

"Ravener venom. An iratze is holding it off but I need fresh blood to heal him," she informed as Jace said deliriously to Clary,

"We have to find, your father, not mine."

"Stele?!" Michael yelled and Serena began patting down his pockets, pulling out the Mortal Cup card and handing it to Clary as Michael found Jace's stele in his back pocket. "The rune is weak. It won't hold much longer," Michael said.

"We need a Portal!" Serena cried as her brother began to fade and the wound on his neck grew worse.

"Valentine has a standing Portal. Let's go!" Michael yelled as he and Serena helped Jace walk. Clary dashed to collect their fallen weapons.

"Jacey? JJ, stay with me!" Serena called to him, trying to keep him awake.

"Do you remember our first demon fight?" Michael asked. "We were way up past the Institute, way up at Kinshasa. You both were only eight, but you were so brave," Michael said proudly as they dragged Jace, whose feet weren't even working as he tried to listen to the story and stay conscious. "Do you remember what you said? What you both said to me?"

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