It Would Be Easier If Serena And Jace's Father Was A Demon...Well, He Kinda Is

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Clary sensed something change between the twins as they approached Renwicks as night fell. Jace was sticking closer to his sister who had been quieter than normal. She wanted to ask what had happened while she and Luke were gone but it wasn't her place to ask. Whatever had happened between them seemed to be strictly family business.

Now, Serena walked with Luke and her father and brother as Luke said, "This doesn't make any sense. There were a thousand demons here last night."

"That's what he wants. Draw us in and force Clary to use the Cup," Michael said as two Shadowhunters ran out from the building, blades drawn. Soon after, they were followed by three more.

Four against five? They'd take those odds.

Luke fought with his bare hands, armed with his werewolf strength. Serena duelled two men at the same time with her twin swords, her movements graceful and effortless, as if she'd done this dance a million times, which she essentially had.

Michael had to say that he was impressed as he watched his eldest child take down the two, her blades cleanly slicing through their necks.

She barely broke a sweat as she flicked her ponytail over her shoulder and the three other enemy Shadowhunters fell to the ground.

"Not bad, honey," Michael praised, and Serena was better at not cringing this time as Jace drifted closer to her. "I forgot how much fun this was."

They began walking towards the entrance that Clary had already snuck through when someone yelled, "GREYMARK! Where are your claws?"

A Shadowhunter in a suit, stood on top of an old car, blade in hand as it shone brighter than the moonlight.

"I don't need claws to kill you, coward," Luke responded.

"Don't bother with that," the man gestured to the unlit seraph blade that Luke held, taken from his dead opponent. "It only lights up for real Shadowhunters."

Luke turned to the trio of Wayland's. "Find Jocelyn. I got this."

Serena and Jace were both about to move forward to help him when their father stopped them.

"We need to find Clary, now," he ordered and the twins reluctantly ran inside, followed by their father.


The Waylands ran into the room where Clary stood over Jocelyn's floating form, the woman still unconscious. They slammed the door shut as the men held it closed and Serena scribbled locking runes all over them.

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" Jace hurried.

"I'm trying! Your voice isn't helping!" Serena snapped back.

"Where's Luke?!" Clary asked as Serena worked.

"We left him to fight Blackwell," Jace answered.


"He asked us to leave him Clary," Serena defended as she was done and the boys let go. The second they did though, the doors were banged on as the demons tried to tear them down but the locking runes held.

Clary ran for the doors but Jace wrapped his arms around her as he held her back. "Jace! We can't leave Luke out there; he has to make it inside!" she cried as they held onto each other.

"No, Clary! There is not enough time!"

"We have to secure the room!" Michael yelled as he held another set of doors closed for Serena to rune, not noticing the way she flinched as he yelled. "We don't even know if Luke is still -"

"Alive?!" Clary grew hysterical as Jace held her. "Jace no! You have to tell him! We cannot shut Luke out! He will die for nothing!" She glanced back to her mother as she said, "I can't wake her up."

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