Alec Does Break Serena Out Of A Prison But Tries To Die Afterwards

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Alec was always a very intellectual person and as such, when they studied warfare as part of their training, his favourite teaching was 'Know thy enemy.' To know your enemy, you must become your enemy, you must get into their heads and understand their fundamental way of thinking and only then would you hope to defeat them. And in this case, Alec had come up with a plan that involved his wife literally turning into one of their current enemies, Aldertree.

She could've used her Portal Pendant to escape, but that was only for dire emergencies as replacing it was a headache. It was also much more fun to parade around in Aldertree's skin and undo some of the things he'd already set in motion. For example, rearranging his office entirely whilst he was acquainting himself with the ops centre.

But after her little detour, Serena met Alec at Magnus' as he'd told her to, but when she found out what he was planning to do, she wanted to throttle her husband. She wanted to smack some sense into that good-looking head of his because her idiot husband wanted to use his parabatai bond to track Jace. It sounded simple enough considering their souls were connected but straining that connection could break it and it could kill him. Alec had been crafty about recruiting Magnus's help because he had hoped that the use of the warlock's magic would help reduce the risk of trying to track Jace whilst he was still on water.

"Are you out of your mind?!" she shouted at him.

"Serena, you need to listen to me -"

"I've been listening! I've been listening to how you're saying that you want to kill yourself trying to find Jace!"

"I'm not gonna die."

"You don't know that."

"If I may point out -"

"NO!" the couple interrupted Magnus who promptly backed out of the argument.

"Alec," Serena said softly as she took his hands. "Believe me, no one wants to find JJ more than me, but you need to understand that you could die if you do this. Izzy is half my soul but you, Alec, you are half my heart. I vowed to always choose you but I can't do that if you die."

"Hey," Alec said softly as he tucked her hair behind her ear and tilted her eyes up to his. "You said yes. You're stuck with me for good," he reminded her and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Alec, this is serious."

"I know and I know the risks. And if this gets Jace back and stops you from being in pain knowing he's in pain, I'll take the risk. But I'm not doing this unless you're on board with it. Please be on board with this."

Serena gave a heavy sigh as she glanced away from him. "I don't know, Alec. I just...I want to find my brother but not at the risk of losing you."

"But you're not going to lose me."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because our story is not over yet. Raziel knows I'm not done with you and he is not gonna take me away when we still have so much life left to live. It's going to be fine."

"You really believe that?" she questioned earnestly.

"I do," Alec answered without hesitation.

Serena was silent for a time before she let out another sigh. "Ok," she said at last.


"Ok. I'm on board, but I swear to god Alec -"

He cut her off with a kiss as he held her to him, forcing her back to arch slightly.
"It's going to be fine."

Serena grimaced at his words before they moved to find Magnus and began preparations.
Alec had been lying shirtless on Magnus's couch as his wife sat next to him and Magnus stood behind the sofa. The warlock's blue magic wrapped around Alec's chest as Serena prepared to run her stele over his parabatai rune.

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