Something Can Stand Against The Lightwood Twins

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"Izzy! By the Angel don't disappear on me like that again!" Serena said to her parabatai as she hugged her, Izzy having walked into the Institute along with a blonde stranger.

"I promise," she smiled as she pulled away. Then she pointed to the stranger. "This is Sebastian Verlac from the London Institute. I was looking for Azazel and when he came after me, Sebastian saved my life."

"Oh, well I simply leant a hand," he said bashfully, and Serena turned to him.

"Well, whoever you are, thank you for saving my parabatai."

Sebastian looked at her strangely. "I'm sorry, but have we met before."

She shook her head. "I'm Serena," she explained as she held her hand out from him to shake and his eyes widened.

"Serena Wayland, the Envoy to Downworlders?"

"One and the same," she grinned, and Sebastian took her hand but instead of shaking it, he brought it to his lips.

"It's an honour to meet you," he smiled, and Serena wasn't quite sure how to react, something she hid well but her family could see. She was fine with the Downworlders doing this because she knew them, but she didn't know this Shadowhunter. Not only could her brother and husband see her discomfort but they could feel it. Alec felt it through his wedded union rune while Jace felt it through his parabatai bond with Alec.

"Buddy, I know you saved Izzy and all," Jace piped up before he pointed at himself. "But brother," he then pointed at Alec, "husband." He gestured to what just happened between Serena and Sebastian. "That, big no, no."

"Of course. My apologies," Sebastian said mainly to Alec. Jace then jerked his head at his sister, telling her to come around to their side of the table. "I didn't mean to overstep. It's just not every day that you meet someone as legendary as your wife."

Serena felt safe and so at ease as Alec's arm settled over her shoulders, hugging her impossibly and possessively tight to his side. Usually, she'd be annoyed about it but in this case, she needed it as she sent her brother a thankful look and Alec held her tighter.

"Anyways," Izzy intervened before more could be said. "Sebastian's an expert on all things Azazel."

"When I studied abroad at the Paris Institute, I specialized in Greater Demons," he explained.

Alec then stuck out his hand. "Thanks for saving my sister. I'm Alec," he introduced, and Sebastian shook his hand firmly.

"Yeah, thank you," Jace said as he followed suit. "I'm Jace."

"Ah, the great warrior in the flesh, and Serena's twin. Your reputation precedes you," Sebastian said before his eyes landed on the redhead. "As does yours. You must be Clary, Valentine's daughter," he said reaching his hand out for the girl who stood next to Izzy.

"Yeah, don't hold it against me," she chuckled.

"Well, we don't choose our parents," Sebastian replied.

"So, tell us about Azazel. How do we take him down?" Jace asked.

"The only way to banish him is to puncture his demonic core. In corporeal form, it's between the T8 and T9 vertebrae. But it's not that simple. The core is about the size of a pea," Sebastian explained.

"So, the entry point is right below his sternum?" Jace questioned before Serena had a chance to and Sebastian nodded.

"That should be cake for you then," Serena smiled as she tapped her husband's chest. She then turned to Sebastian and depending on how you took it the words she spoke could've been the passing of information, or a threat. "You'll never find anyone with a better aim than my husband."

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