Another Almost Death And A Caged Owl

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Clary's Portal had spat Serena right where she wanted it to. Granted, Clary had insisted she come along too, but Serena couldn't care right now. All that mattered was the contents of the fire message she'd received as they appeared in the Inquisitor's office, Clary's Portal rune getting through the wards with ease.

"Grandma?!" Serena called as her hair whirled and she looked for the High Inquisitor.

"Serena," replied a weak voice as a hand clawed the air.

"Grandma! Grandma!" she cried as she crashed down to Imogen's side. "Grandma, stay with me! Stay with me," she pleaded as she pressed a hand to the wound on her stomach. "Get help!" Serena yelled at Clary who nodded as she ran from the room.

"Jace....he's in ... the cemetery," Imogen breathed.

"I don't care. Grandma, you're going to be fine," Serena promised as she whipped out her stele as she ran it over Imogen's iratze. The second the crystal tip finished glowing, Serena tossed it aside as she pressed her hand back to Imogen's wound and held her tighter. "You're not leaving me. You're going to be fine, Grandma."

"Weapons room.....Malachi," Imogen breathed before Clary dashed back inside.

"I got a medic!" she exclaimed as said medic pushed past Clary and fell to Imogen's side.

"Out of my way," the woman ordered as Serena gently set her grandmother's head down as the medic tended to her, writing a quick fire message that summoned more medics to the room.

Serena's hands were covered in blood once again as she turned to Clary. "Go home and get Izzy and Alec. Bring them here to the armoury and find anything having to do with Malachi. Then go and get my brother from the Cemetery of the Disgraced. I'll meet you at Magnus's."

"You have my word," Clary swore. "You stay with Imogen as long as you need." Her long legs carried her out of the room again.

Serena glanced back at her sleeping grandmother as some medics tended to her wounds and others prepared a stretcher to move her. "Ithuriel, Raziel, anyone if you can hear me," she prayed, "please don't let her die. Please I - I can't lose her too. She has to be ok."


Imogen was in critical condition, to say the least. The medics in Alicante had no choice but to risk transporting her to the Silent City so the Silent Brothers could treat her. Serena had kept her word too. She stayed with Imogen for as long as she possibly could, up until the very second Imogen's body was carried through the Portal.

Serena then used the medic's standing Portal to transport herself back to New York. And the swirling vortex of golden energy landed her right in Magnus's apartment. Right in front of her twin who was imprisoned inside a square of glowing energy. She smirked at the success of her family.

Malachi had stood for the Malachi configuration, a trap designed by the late Consul Malachi to hold a Greater Demon. And those had been some of Imogen's last words to her for a reason. Her grandmother knew that this contraption would be able to contain her grandson until they could get him back.

"Well, look who's here. Sleeping beauty have a nice nap?" Jace snarked.

"I will set the falcon free, Jacey," she said and Jace laughed.

"You think you can save me? You can't. You couldn't even save our grandmother," he chuckled evilly as Izzy, Alec, and Magnus stiffened as they watched the scene. Yet, they found it so strange that Serena's face stayed blank as Jace kept talking. "That's right. I drove a sword through her stomach. Jace killed his own grandmother."

"You mean the grandmother that is currently recovering from your attack in the City of Bones?"

His eyes widened in shock and then it was Serena's turn to smirk wickedly.

"Looks like Valentine was right. Even possessed, you are too weak to be a killer. You didn't finish the job properly, JJ."

Jace growled at her. "Lilith will come for me. And when she does, you're all dead."

"Let her come. She may have taken your love for Clary with that little piece of her soul and that potion she got from Magnus, but my soul is still intact. And you've loved me since birth. Your love for Clary may be gone, but ours has endured almost 23 years of trials and tribulations. It'll endure this."

"And how I'll laugh when you're proved wrong."

Serena only held her head up higher as she faced her twin. It was interesting how two faces that bore such determined looks, that looked so similar, could be such opposites.

"We'll see, little brother. We'll see."

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