Why Can't Younger Siblings Just Listen?

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Serena tried. Her body was weak from how much she was pushing herself to try and track her twin. Alec had to take her stele from her or else she wouldn't be in any state to knock some sense into her brother.

So, the couple had heeded Izzy's call for backup. Serena sighed when Alec relayed the information because it just meant more work for her since Simon, Clary, and Izzy had stolen Camille from Raphael. Camille also loved making their lives difficult and in exchange for the Book, she wanted a Writ of Transmutation, a contract stating that Simon asked her to turn him so she wouldn't be persecuted by the Clave for killing a mundane. In other words, she wanted a document that would render Serena's warrant for her arrest null and void.

Alec had to hold his wife back from killing Camille because she'd taken them to her apartment which was filled with five rooms of books, she'd gotten Simon to sign the Writ only to reveal that she had no idea where the Book was.

Her words had been, "The point of putting the book in her house was to hide it and telling her where it was would defeat the purpose."

Izzy had winced as Alec locked his arms around his wife. It was a good thing he was a lot taller than her because she was really strong as she lept for Camille with her sword in hand, bellowing something about how they no longer needed her if she didn't know where the Book was and nothing was stopping her from killing the vampire.

Camille took that as her cue and promptly sped from the room by the time Serena broke free from Alec. Alec and Izzy were then able to persuade her to resume the search for the Book because it was going to be a very long search.

But while they were browsing for books, Jace had been hunting Valentine only for his father to reveal that he was going after his sisters. He'd been calling and calling but no one was answering. Alec had taken Serena's phone and switched it off when she wouldn't stop calling Jace after her tracking runes didn't work. So, he called Clary, but she refused to leave. Jace had told her to stay on mission and the mission was to wake her mother. They were so close and she wasn't leaving without the Book.

And when she did manage to find it, Valentine was already there.

They'd been on their way out of the building when a doorway shimmered purple and Valentine walked through along with several more men as backup, all of them armed with seraph blades.

"Clarissa, Serena," he greeted. "So good to see you again. Where's your brother?"

"You think I'd tell you?" Clary asked incredulously as she held the Book of the White, Izzy, Simon, and Serena huddling close to her.

"You won't have to," Valentine bragged before Simon lunged.

"Stay away from her!" he screeched but he was easily knocked to the floor as Valentine hovered over him with his blade.

Izzy stuck next as her whip wrapped around Valentine's wrist, but he simply tugged on it as he forced her aside.

Serena let out an enraged battle cry as she lunged at Valentine next, her swords in both hands as he struggled to fend off both weapons. He was a fair fighter though, he'd taught Serena most of the tricks she knew. Their blades rang out as they collided, and two men surged forward to hold weapons to Izzy and Simon's necks as they were forced to their feet.

"Sir?" One of the other Shadowhunters asked.

"No!" he growled as he kept Serena's attacks at bay. "She's mine."

Serena was a good fighter, he had to admit, but he was better. He blocked one of her strikes before his other hand grabbed her opposing wrist and he flung his head forward into hers.
Serena was temporarily blinded as his head contacted with her nose and her eyes began to water as she staggered backward. Valentine ripped one of her swords out of her grip before he kicked the other one out of her hands. He then followed through with another kick to her chest, sending her back into the waiting arms of one of his new followers.

A seraph blade was pressed to her throat as her nose dripped blood and Valentine stood triumphantly before them. "You are impressive, but I raised you, honey," he drawled and she bucked in her captor's arms.

"Don't call me that!" she sneered before her twin came running into the room and Valentine turned his triumphant smirk on Jace.

"Finally ready to kill your own father?" Valentine smirked.

"You abandoned me. Abandoned us!" he yelled, adjusting his grip on his blade as he gestured to his sister.

"I was protecting you. And while there may be no saving Serena with her relationship with Downworlders, you, you are finally ready. You've become the warrior I've trained you to be."

"You trained me well," Jace admitted.

"And yet, I still have so much to teach you. I brought you here for a reason. Look, fight me and watch your friends die."

It was then that Alec and Magnus were dragged in, blades at their throats as Magnus looked severely weakened.

"Serena!" Alec yelled as he spotted the blood running down her face.

"Alec!" she called as they both struggled against their captors but they were enhanced by the magic of the Mortal Cup and fighting them was a fruitless endeavour.

Valentine glared at Alec as he pointed his sword at him. "I'll deal with you later." And he turned back to Jace. "See, I made you strong, but they make you weak!" he spat.

"Let us go. You can have the Book. We won't be able to stop you without it," Clary bargained, still clutching the spellbook.

"Ah, Clarissa. So like your mother. Willing to do anything for those that you love. I'm touched but...the Book was never part of my plan. I want you to wake up your mother. I know that you three will join me eventually. It's fated." Then he turned to Jace and asked, "You ready?"

And Jace lowered his blade as he looked to his family, to his big sister with a blade to her neck. "If I go with you...promise me you won't hurt them."

Valentine's smile was cold. "You have my word."

"No, JJ, don't do it!" Serena screamed as she thrashed against the burly man who held her and he quietened her with a jab to the ribs.

"Serena!" Alec yelled and Serena looked to her twin with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Rena, but now it's my turn to protect you," he said and Serena's heart broke and burst and burned inside her chest.

"Jace, Valentine is wrong! You're not like him! I'm not! You're not!" Clary yelled.

"You don't know that, Clary. You don't know that," Jace said as he moved to Valentine's side and faced the redhead. Clary's horrified expression didn't leave her face.

"Let them go," Valentine ordered. His people obeyed, but not before Serena received another hit to her ribs as she dropped to her knees.

Izzy ran to her side as Alec tried to go for his parabatai but Jace held out his seraph blade as he held them off. "Get back! Get back! Alec, I mean it!" he said, and Alec looked conflicted. "Take care of her," he whispered and Alec moved over to his wife as he helped her up, Izzy already having activated her iratze. Valentine's people began moving into the Portal as Jace met Serena's eyes. His voice was barely a whisper but she didn't have to hear him to know what he said. "Set the falcon free."

Serena was back in Izzy's arms as Alec surged forward to catch Clary who was screaming for Jace as she tried to chase after him. She was catatonic as Jace's eyes never left the two of them as Valentine walked him into the Portal.

"What are you doing?!" Clary screamed at Alec after the Portal had disappeared.

"Saving your life. If you enter a Portal not knowing where you're going, you'll be stuck in limbo forever," he explained.

And Clary cried into Alec as he held her, the Portal and the boy she loved, long gone.

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