Jace Cries And Becomes More Than Just A Pain In His Sister's Ass

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After Clary had run from Valentine's prison cell, Serena had taken one look at her twin before saying, "Go." He gave her a thankful peck on the cheek before chasing after Clary and Serena turned her attention back on Valentine. "You know, I have pure angel blood, right? And yet, standing here this morning and listening to the sound of your screams, brought me a lot of joy. And I'm not usually a vindictive person, but, you just seem to bring out that side of me."

"Get to the point, honey," Valentine drawled and for the first time, she didn't flinch.

"That is my point exactly!" she exclaimed as she pulled out her stele and twirled it through her fingers. "You tortured me and my brother for the first ten years of my life, so if you ask me, I see this as...facing my trauma."

"Serena-" was the only word Valentine had the time to gasp before she ran her stele over his agony rune and he erupted into screams and Serena smiled.

"I will definitely be seeing you later," she winked before striding out of his cell as Jace and Clary's conversation went up in flames.

"Clary," Jace had called when he approached her.

"How long have you known?" she snapped.

"Just a few days."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"You have a good thing going on with Simon. You're happy. I wouldn't want to ruin that."

"Why would that ruin anything? Jace, what else are you hiding from me."

"Nothing," he whispered. "I swear."

"Look, we need to be able to trust each other. And that means being completely honest even if the truth hurts."

"I get it."

"Emotions serve a purpose," Clary chided. "You don't go through what you just went through, witnessing all that death and not feel something, Jace. And I know you said you talked to Serena, but still, it's not good for you. Just feel something, whether you think it clouds your judgment or not."

And Clary disappeared into the elevator just as Serena walked out of Valentine's cell.

"Jacey," she called and her brother turned to her as tears glittered in his eyes. "Aw, Jacey," she cooed as he came charging toward her crashing into her arms as he cried into her shoulder. "I know, JJ, I know. I know how you feel about the Downworlders. It's ok."

"It's not just that, Rena," he sobbed as she cradled his head to her shoulder.

"Shh, JJ, I've got you. Always," she promised as she squeezed him tight.

"I love her. Rena, I - I love her. More - more than a sister. It's like it's suffocating me. I can't - I - I - Rena-"

"Shh, Jacey. Shh," she sang, willing him to calm, to end his pain as white energy washed over him. She was getting better at controlling it, at summoning it, as Jace seemed to sag against her. "Little brother, look at me," she said, pulling his face away as she wiped the tears from under his eyes with her thumb. "You have to tell her. You owe it to her and to yourself. I know it might ruin things with Simon, but, JJ, if she's what you love and what makes you happy, you gotta take the shot."

"What if she doesn't love me?" Jace asked so brokenly, and his sister stretched up on her toes as she kissed his cheek.

"She does. Anyone can see it Jacey, she does. And if she says no, then that's her loss because I love you and Alec loves you, and Izzy and Robert and Maryse and Max all love you too. If she says no, then she missed out on what a wonderful thing it is to be able to love the great Jace Lightwood."

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