Bonus Chapter - Jace Makes a Decision That Serena Doesn't Find Stupid

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Jace had never been more nervous in his life than when he stood before this door. Usually, it was because he would be in trouble for what he had to tell the person who lived beyond the door. Today, he had news of a different kind to deliver that was making him sick to his stomach.

So, he ran his stele over his strength rune, hoping it would give him strength of a different kind as he knocked on the door.

"Come in!" called the voice on the other side and Jace took a final breath before he pushed down the handle and pushed the door open.

His twin's room was massive, as it needed to be, after all, there were currently four people residing in it. The was a door on the far wall that joined to Celena's room. Two identical cribs were near the king bed. One of those cribs was occupied whilst the other was empty as its occupant was currently in her mother's arms.

Serena sat in her bed, her hair piled on her head and her chest half-covered with her shirt as her daughter fed. Her face lit up at the sight of her visitor who closed the door behind him.

"Jacey! What a nice surprise. Let me guess. You came to visit your favourite person?" she smirked.

"Yes, but I'm actually also here to see you," he returned with a grin as he made his way over to the cribs, his footsteps silent so as to not wake the baby boy inside. The baby boy with striking blond hair that looked to be the spitting image of his mother and uncle - the twins turned triplets, it would seem. He was also the total opposite to his two sisters who seemed to take after the Lightwoods with their dark hair and fair skin. "How is our triplet?"

"My son," Serena said with a soft chuckle, "is just fine. He had a big lunch and passed straight out, just like you do."

"Well, I mean you did name him after me."

"Christian isn't named after you!" she exclaimed with a hushed voice so she didn't wake her son. "And Alec chose his name."

"And you didn't contest it," he challenged.

"Because I couldn't. You helped him find that stupid loophole in the deal we made when we agreed that we'd name one twin each. I chose Kiara and he chose Christian," she explained as she did every time her brother came to visit.

"How is my other favourite niece?" Jace asked as he came to sit on the edge of her bed.

"Hungry. She's small but she puts it away."

"Celena was the same way, wasn't she?"

"Yeah. She still is. Alec took her out for a little daddy-daughter date for lunch. So what brings you to my neck of the woods?" she wondered and the nervous feeling in his stomach returned full force.

"I, uh, I have something to tell you. And something to ask you," he admitted and she furrowed her brows.

"Is it a bad thing? Is everything ok? You look like you're going to be sick and I have two newborns, I deal with enough spit-up as it is, I don't need you throwing up on top of it."

"No," he said with a breathless laugh. "Nothing bad like that."

"Ok, then ask away," she said as she fixed her shirt and readjusted her daughter to try and burp her.

"I, um," he gave a big sigh, "I wanna ask Clary to marry me."

Her eyes burst out of her head and her mouth opened, about to scream with excitement before she remembered her sleeping son and forced herself to muffle it. "JJ, that's great!"

"You're ok with it?" he questioned, a little sceptical.

"Why wouldn't I be? I mean, most of the decisions you make are completely stupid and for once, this one is completely reasonable after everything you've been through. And you probably won't find a woman like Clary who will put up with all your crap."

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