Serena Gets Her Like 5th Last Name - Honestly She's Lost Count At This Point

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The Clave had denied the Inquisitor's request to execute Valentine because they still had hope that he would eventually give up the location of the Mortal Cup. Yet, anyone who had been in the same room as the man would tell you that he would hold onto that information even while he was rolling around in his grave.

The Inquisitor - Imogen - Imogen Herondale, a mother who had her son ripped away, her daughter-in-law, and unborn grandchild, all taken because of Valentine. She would not, she could not let that stand. So, she was going to take matters into her own hands. And Alec could either help her or get out of her way.

Valentine was sitting on the bed in his cell when his door opened, Alec allowing Imogen inside first before following.

"Put him in the chair," she ordered.

"Alexander, what's happening?" Valentine asked and Alec balked at the sound of his full name. Very few people knew it and fewer still called him by it - three people called by it actually. His wife and mother when he was in trouble...and Magnus.

"Now," Imogen pressed.

"No," Valentine whispered as Alec approached the shackled man. "No. No, no. Please don't do this." They were the words he kept repeating over and over as Alec lifted Valentine to his feet and maneuvered him over to his chair before strapping him down.

"Gag him," Imogen commanded.

"Alexander, what are you doing?" he asked before his words were muffled as the leather gag was tied into place.

"My son is dead because of you," Imogen spoke, her blue eyes never leaving Valentine's face. "It's been 23 years and the pain just never goes away. Guard the entrance," she instructed Alec, wanting to have deniability in case they were ever caught.

"Alexander, please," Valentine begged from beneath his gag but Alec still walked out of the cell.

He was heading for the elevator doors when a voice said, "Hello, Alec."

An image shimmered into existence in front of him, rippling as if he was seeing it reflected in water. Magnus Bane stood tall with Serena and Jace beside him, the twins in matching shackles, except Serena had a dry trail of blood that had dripped from her eyebrow.

"Alec, I'm sorry!" she blurted.

"You were right, they switched," Jace added nervously.

Alec ran back into the cell. "STOP! STOP! That's not Valentine!" Alec yelled as he gripped Imogen's wrist with a vice of iron, pushing away the dagger she'd been about to slit his neck with.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, and they turned to look through the glass wall of Valentine's cell as Magnus' voice said, 

"You've taken my light. Your darkness will come."

"What did you just say?" Imogen asked in disbelief, moving towards the glass almost as if in a daze.

"I'm repeating your words back to you," Valentine said simply as Imogen exited the cell and walked closer to the astral projection image and Alec ungagged Valentine, or Magnus, rather. "You remember the fire message you sent to me the night Stephan died?" he asked, and Imogen gaped before she stood frozen in place. "The good news, is that in exchange for my freedom, you can save two of your pure-angel blooded warriors. As well as your Envoy to the Downworld."

"I don't make deals with the devil," Imogen resolved.

"You chose the wrong bait," Serena pointed out as she examined the nails on one hand, despite the shackles on her wrists.

"For all she cares, you could slaughter us right now," Jace finished.

"I mean, after how insubordinate I am, did you really think she'd save me, let alone my carbon copy?" Serena remarked as Jace nodded along.

Sweet Little Serena (Rewrite)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon