Serena's Job Is Easy....Not

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"Hey, hey, ease up," Serena chastised as she walked into the outdoor training area with a sandwich to see Jace sitting on top of Alec with his hand in an arm bar as he lay on his stomach on the ground. "That man is the father of your future nieces and nephews, so I'd like him in one unscathed piece please," she said to Jace who let Alec go and helped him up.

"Gross, Rena," Jace scowled as he stole her sandwich, and she smacked his head. "Ow!"

"Yeah, because I didn't walk in on you in bed with a Seelie like a week ago," she retorted as she crossed her arms over her chest and Alec pecked her cheek as his arm settled over her shoulders.

"She's got you there," he pointed out and Jace gave Alec an offended look as he chewed.

"Some parabatai you are. I thought you were on my side."

"Hey, happy wife, happy life," Alec said raising his arms in surrender as Serena slapped his chest.

"Don't patronize me, Alec Lightwood, or I'll be the one pinning your ass to the floor," she threatened, and Alec only shook his head as he looked from Jace to Serena.

"Wow, you really are twins."

"You say that as if it's a new thing," Jace mumbled through a mouth full of sandwich.

"Speaking of new," Serena began. "You find out what your angel blood lets you do yet?" she asked her brother who shrugged.

"Aside from activating the Soul Sword, nothing else."

"Well, if Clary can draw new runes and I can calm people with my voice, you've gotta be able to do something other than be a pain in our asses," his sister sassed, and Alec laughed.

"Hey, I am a delight to live with," Jace retorted pointing what was left of his sandwich at her.

"Have you told Clary that we're not related yet?"

Jace was silent. 

"My point exactly," Serena said as she jumped onto Alec's back, the boy catching her easily as she held onto him. "And you get another opportunity to do so. Inquisitor Herondale is inbound from Idris. She sent word ahead that she wants to speak to you, me, and Clary. And you, angelic little brother of mine, can go get Clary."

Jace pouted. "But Rena-"

"No buts!" she cut him off. "That's what you get for stealing my sandwich, JJ. And you need to tell her. End of story. So, put away those weapons and go get her. And away my noble steed," she said as she raised her arm into the air like she was charging into battle. Said steed, only rolled his eyes before he began walking back inside.

"You are ridiculous," he said and Serena gently tightened the arms around his neck.

"But you love me anyway."

"Very true."

And he angled his head to the side to kiss her before he kept walking.


Clary didn't know what to expect from Inquisitor Herondale when Jace came to get her from where she was making out with Simon on a bench, in the sunlight. After Valentine's attack, the boy had somehow transformed into a Daylighter who didn't burn in the sun. They believed that it was because Jace had to let Simon feed on him to save his life and his pure angel blood had turned him into a Daylighter. Of course, that was mere theory but it was a very likely one.

However, they had bigger problems to worry about as Clary and Jace walked into the cells in the basement of the Institute where Serena was standing. She was standing before Valentine's cell and listening to the sound of his screams as Inquisitor Herondale drew the agony rune on his skin. It was cathartic to listen to the sound of screams, to watch him writhe in pain as she had done in his custody as a child.

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