Everyone Freaks Out About An Angel While Jace Has Sex

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"Thanks for coming so quickly, Angel," Magnus said as the Envoy to the Downworld stepped through the Portal Magnus had sent for her.

"Anytime, Sparkles. And I vehemently apologise for the inconsiderate actions of my twin."

"Thank you, but you are not responsible for this."

"But I am going to kick his ass into next-" Serena was cut off as Magnus caught her when she wobbled. Her eyes closed as a debilitating high-pitched sound rang through her head.

"Angel? Angel, are you alright?" Magnus asked worriedly as the pain passed and she was able to stand on her own two feet.

"Yes, I'm fine," she assured him. "Don't know where that headache came from all of a sudden."

"Are you sure everything's fine?"

Serena squeezed his hand affectionately. "I'm sure. Now, let me deal with this," she said as she let go of Magnus and barged into Jace's room. "Get the hell up and get dressed," she ordered, not caring about the fact that her brother was likely naked underneath those sheets as he hovered over a woman. She was a Seelie from the looks of the tattoos on her face.

"Who's this bitch?" the girl asked viciously, and Serena scowled at her as she bent to pick up Jace's discarded clothes.

"I'm his sister, bitch. Get up Jace, we have orders."

"I'm a little tied up," Jace replied.

"Not yet you're not," the girl drawled in a low voice.

"Can I have a minute with my brother?"

The girl scowled at Serena as she held the bed sheet to her chest before striding out the door, Jace watching her leave with a smug male expression.

Serena threw his clothes at him. "This is your solution? Hiding out at Magnus's?"

"I wouldn't exactly call this hiding," Jace said as he tugged on his pants.

"Very funny, little brother, but you do still have obligations."

"Obligations. Aldertree wanted me gone and I'm gone."

"So, you got demoted. So what? Work your way back up. Just because you don't live at the Institute anymore doesn't mean that you stop being a Shadowhunter."

"You don't understand," Jace huffed, waving her off.

"Oh yeah? Then tell me. Whatever it is, it can't be that bad."

Jace didn't answer her.

"So, you're just going to turn your back on us? On Alec? On Izzy? On me? On Clary?"

"I told you I'm not discussing Clary," Jace snapped, pointing a finger at Serena.

"She's family. She's our sister."

"I don't need a reminder," Jace retorted as he stood, but his sister just moved to stand toe-to-toe with him, not backing down.

"Why? Because you're still in love with her?"

Jace's jaw tensed as they stood close.

"News flash, little brother! Moping and sleeping around with Seelies is not going to make those feelings go away. So, stop feeling sorry for yourself, get off your ass, and get back to work. Because this Jace standing in front of me right now, he's not my brother, he's not my JJ. And he's not the Jace that Clary would want."

Jace only took a few steps back. "You should probably go. We wouldn't want you getting benched either," he said, and Serena sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

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