Whoever Raised Serena For The First 10 Years Of Her Life Is An Ass

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Imogen had indeed made quick work on approving the Portal as Serena and Izzy landed on the banks of Lake Lyn, the legendary pool of water where the Angel Raziel was said to have risen a thousand years ago to bless Jonathan Shadowhunter with his angelic powers. 

Serena had a drop of blood in her palm, her own blood that she shared with Jace as she began to track him and Izzy followed her into the woods. Both of them were armed and on edge as they wove their way through the woods. They whirled as the grips on their swords tightened and a wolf's howl cut through the trees.

Both girls moved in unison when they whirled again, this time at a different sound only to find their swords at Jace's throat.

But at a sound behind them, they spun, only to find their weapons at Jace's throat.

"Hey," Jace breathed as they lowered their weapons, and Serena crashed into his arms.

"Next time out of principal, I'm going to kill you," she snapped before they pulled apart.

"I'm guessing Alec got my message. Had to do something to get your guys' attention," he said as he held out the wound on his hand.

"You can activate runes by yourself and yet, the wound's still there? This was also one of the stupidest things you have ever done, JJ, and there have been a lot," Serena scolded as she whipped out her stele and he lifted up his shirt so she could run it over his iratze.

"What happened to Clary?" Izzy asked.

"I don't know. One minute we were looking for her stele by the lake, the next he was gone," he explained.

"Jacey, please tell me that neither of you drank any of the lake water," Serena pleaded as she dropped his shirt and the wound healed.

"No, but Clary did. Why? What's wrong?"

"Lake Lyn has hallucinogenic properties," Izzy explained, relaying what Robert had told them. "An iratze should be able to cure her, but we need to get to her soon."

"Or what?" Jace asked worriedly.

"She could lose her mind forever," Serena answered.

"Let's go!" Jace exclaimed as they began sprinting through the woods.


It was by pure luck that they found her. Pure, dumb luck.

She looked relatively unharmed as she sat on the ground, leaning against a boulder.

"Clary?" Jace called.

"Who are you?" she asked worriedly as she jumped to her feet.

"It's me, Jace," he said softly.

"I don't know you," she replied.

"You're confused. We're here to help you," Serena promised.

Izzy then pulled her stele out as she slowly approached the girl. "Just hold still," she said.

"Where's Jace?" she asked, apprehensive of what Izzy was about to do.

Clary swung at Izzy. Izzy threw her stele to Jace before she tried to hold Clary, the girl mostly blocking her blows so she didn't hurt the redhead.

As they fought, Serena began to sing. The white energy washed over Clary and calmed her enough for Jace to grab a hold of her. Yet, as Clary knocked the stele out of Jace's hand, Serena felt as if something was wrong with her voice. Clary had calmed only a fraction and Serena's voice was usually more powerful than that. She shouldn't still be fighting back. And her powers had worked on Clary before, and on Jace so it didn't have anything to do with their angel blood. Still, it was strange.

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