Alec Learns How Many Other People Love His Wife

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Serena was spending the day with Magnus. One of her first friends in the Downworld had lost his position as High Warlock of Brooklyn. He was dismissed due to the warlock community not agreeing with a lot of the decisions he made during the war. For example, the shields he had warlocks put around the city only to have Valentine escape them. For being part of a Downworld alliance that still involved the Seelie Queen who betrayed them.

He refused to deal with it though. He was burying himself in work and seeing clients, claiming he was ok. And while she was there, she helped console Raphael. Rosa, his sister, wasn't doing too good and it wouldn't be long now before she passed, and Raphael couldn't handle the thought. Despite what happened with Izzy, Raphael was still her friend, and she would still be there for him. It was a rather elaborate lie on the vampire's part.

And while she dealt with that, Jace, Alec, and Izzy had gone to see Catarina, Magnus's warlock friend and the woman who took in Madzie, about a mundane being possessed. Luke had called earlier about a dead mundane with signs of a demonicly possessed killer so Alec volunteered to take the lead on that.

Clary, however, was with Luke as they went to look for him and wound up finding and killing the demon with her sunlight rune, saving Luke's partner who apparently knew about the Shadow world. That was Luke's business though. Unless this Ollie woman interfered with the Downworld or with the Shadowhunters, it wasn't Serena's problem.

And it was at the end of the day, when Alec was playing pool with Serena and Magnus, trying to cheer up the warlock that he kissed his wife and made his decision.

They were staying right where they were.

After he'd announced his decision, Serena had fessed up that she didn't want to move, not yet. Not when Jace wasn't ok. Alec had agreed. He had gone to talk to Jace about the position in Idris when he noticed how troubled his parabatai looked. Alec didn't even bring up the job offer when he saw the look on Jace's face. If anything, it just cemented his decision to stay and not take the position.

Magnus was elated too, glad to not be losing his favourite Shadowhunters.

And when Serena wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, he knew better than ever that he made the right decision.


"Well, here we are," Magnus announced as he led Serena and Alec into a lavish mansion.

"Are you sure it's ok that we're here?" Alec questioned as the warlocks looked at the couple strangely.

"Well, baby, I am kind of obligated to be here and you vowed to always stand beside me so now you can stand beside us in our suffering," Serena smirked as she and Magnus clinked glasses. Where they got them from so quickly, he'd never know.

"You may be the only Shadowhunters here at a party full of warlocks but that doesn't mean that you can't have fun," Magnus said as they walked.

"Easy for you to say. You've known these people for centuries. Even you've known them longer than me," Alec said first to Magnus and then his wife who was on his arm in a stunning blue evening gown. It was the same blue shade as her eyes with a mid-thigh slit, and silver heels. Her gold hair tumbled down her shoulder in waves as her lips popped with bright red lipstick.

"You think that's a good thing?" Magnus asked with an almost disgusted look on his face. "Trust me. I don't wanna be here any longer than I have to. But it's tradition for the outgoing High warlock to pass the baton on to his replacement," he said as he glared at said replacement, Lorenzo Rey who was conversing with other warlocks.

"Is that him?" Alec asked as he spotted the trio.

"Unfortunately," Serena sighed as she put on a fake smile as the new High Warlock came over.

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