Serena Screams At The Sky And It Replies

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So, while Alec and Serena didn't exactly train, they definitely had quite the workout before they reluctantly had to return to work. Serena had kicked Alec out of their bedroom because she knew if they showered together they'd never get back to work, so he went first. She was lacing up her combat boots when there was a knock at her door.

"Come in!"

"Rena? You decent?" came Jace's voice and she scoffed.

"I wouldn't have said come in if I wasn't," she replied with a grin as Jace opened the door. "What's up, JJ?"

Jace took a deep breath. "Ok, I know what I'm about to say looks like denial and that I'm bottling things up but please, I need you to just hear me out."

Serena furrowed her brows sceptically. "Ok?"

"There's a chance that Clary might be alive," he blurted and Serena blinked once.

"But we Lilith -"

"Just wait. Just hear me out before you say anything," Jace interjected as he pulled out some folded pieces of paper. "Luke has been looking into things. He believed that Lilith's apartment didn't explode. He thinks it relocated itself right before the explosion with Clary alive inside. And I know it sounds crazy but he heard of a rare form of inter-dimensional travel only accessible to demons. Look, look at this," he urged as he laid the papers on her bed. "I didn't believe any of this myself until I looked but, the night we banished Lilith and the night that Simon was at the Church of Talto there was the exact same drop in barometric pressure in both places. Each of them only for one square block. The apartment was moving and I...when I looked into it. I got another hit, well after the explosion. Yesterday, actually. In the Ural Mountains in Siberia."

"So you think the apartment's still moving?" Serena questioned as she looked at the maps Jace had and she had to admit that there was some logic to this theory.

"It wasn't destroyed in the explosion. Magnus Portaled Luke and me to the coordinates in Siberia. Granted, we found signs that Jonathan is probably alive too and the reason she's unable to contact us, but Rena, tell me that this is not Clary's." 

Jace then produced a clear plastic evidence bag with red strands of hair inside.

"By the Angel," she breathed. "You might be onto something here. I can feel the heavenly energy from this, from Clary's angel blood."

"So, I'm not going crazy?! You-you believe me that Clary might be alive?!"

"Well, I agree that this is not nothing. So, here's what I want you to do. Run this over to the lab and get it DNA tested. I want solid confirmation that this is Clary's hair. If it is, I want you to brief everyone else on what you've found. And get Luke and Magnus in here. We're probably going to need all the help we can get."

"Ok. Ok," Jace rambled as he memorised the list of his tasks. "And what are you going to do."

Serena took a deep breath, a shaky breath. "I'm going to make call of sorts. I have no idea if it's going to work but I've been dreaming about it non-stop so I'm hoping it's prophetic."

"What kind of phone call?" Jace queried.

"Just one to see if I can confirm if Clary's alive another way. Trust me, JJ," she said as she kissed his cheek.


"Yes?" she called as she turned back, her hand on the doorframe.

"Thank you. For believing me, for singing me to sleep, for everything."

She beamed at him. "Anytime, little brother."

As she walked out, she heard Jace's exasperated voice yell out, "You're only two minutes older than me!"

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