Clary Finally Becomes A Shadowhunter

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(A/N: Season 3A begins.)


There had never been a bigger reason to throw a massive party than to celebrate the death of Valentine. And they threw one hell of a wake at the Hunter's Moon, where every kind of Downworlder and all Shadowhunters were in attendance as they drank the bar dry. It could only be described as the most epic party of the century, even if most of them wouldn't remember it in the morning.

That party and that victory had been several months ago. Now, the family of Lightwoods and Herondales were in Alicante for Clary's official rune ceremony and personal thanks from Imogen herself.

Shadowhunters lined the grand hall as Clary walked down the aisle in a gorgeous cream-coloured dress, her family smiling at her as she walked.

"I stand before my fellow Shadowhunters, to receive the rune of the Angel," she'd vowed. "I take this mark to honour Him. To bring His light into me. To join the ranks of the Shadowhinters, the guardians of peace."

They'd all watched as Brother Enoch marked Clary's arm as Imogen began speaking. "This rune of Angelic Power is well-deserved and long overdue. You are no longer a Shadowhunter in training. You have defeated our greatest enemy. Valentine may have used the Mortal Instruments to raise the Angel Raziel, but you prevented a wish from being granted. Clarissa Fairchild, may your heroism be a shining example to Shadowhunters all across the world. Congratulations."

And the hall burst into applause.

However, later on, during Clary's celebration party, Alec cornered her. He knew there was more to the story. He knew Jace was lying. He felt Jace die and his rune disappeared completely, it was a fact. There was more to the story than what they were saying. However, it was a joyous occasion and his wife had reminded him of that before she and her twin went on a little walk. Jace was alive and that's what mattered.

Serena's arm was linked with Jace's as they stood together in the Cemetery of the Disgraced, in front of their parents' graves. Jace's necklace with the Herondale ring was in his hand as he fidgeted with it.

"This is the closest we've ever gotten to them," Jace realised sadly.

"I wonder what it would've been like, to be raised by them," Serena said as she rested her head on Jace's shoulder. "Hell, even to be raised by Grandma."

"Despite Valentine raising us and what he taught us, I am who I am today largely because of you. You raised me. You lost out on your childhood trying to make mine ok so, thank you for that, Rena. Thank you for being my sister."

Serena's smile was warm as she squeezed Jace's arm. "My pleasure, little brother."

The solemn silence was some part peaceful, some part melancholy as they looked at their parents' gravestones. At least somewhere out there Céline and Stephan were together again.

"They don't deserve to be here," she sighed and Jace moved to wrap his arm around his sister as he rubbed her arm.

"Their names may be here, but I'd like to think that they're with the angels," Jace said rather optimistically.

"With what great children they gave birth to, the angels' better be showering them with gifts up there," she joked and Jace cracked a smile.

"Am I interrupting?" came a voice and the twins turned to see Clary.

"No," she smiled. "Not at all. I'm gonna go find Alec and Mom," she said as she kissed her brother's cheek. "Congrats, once again, Red," Serena said with an affectionate squeeze of Clary's arm.

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