Serena Finally Punches Her Boss

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"I thought these wards were airtight?" Aldertree questioned as the remaining Shadowhunters in the Institute gathered in ops, the entire room glowing red as the alarms went off.

"They are, but not against demonically enhanced Downworlders," Serena retorted.

"How many do we have?" Alec asked, bow in hand.

"Two dozen. Everyone else is out dealing with the Downworld attacks or looking for Clary," Aldertree answered.

"I'll take the entry with Longford," Alec announced.

"We'll cover the weapons room," Aldertree volunteered.

"I'll take the tunnels," Serena said.

"Be safe," Alec cautioned his wife.

"Likewise," she returned, pecking his lips before they split up. Except, they were grossly outmatched.

For example, Alec made for the entrance only to be met with Madzie. The young warlock locked Alec in the elevator for his own safety as she killed the rest of his team by sucking the air out of the room through her gills.

Another example, well, not of how outmatched they were, but of how terrible things were, Valentine had kidnapped Simon. He couldn't find Serena from wherever she was hiding in the Institute, and he demanded Clary arrive at the Institute to activate the Sword.

Furthermore, Clary, Jace, and Luke had returned to Magnus's apartment with Dot. The High Warlock healed her before she warned them of Jace. Of how Jace could destroy the Soul Sword.
Of course, they hadn't believed her, until Magnus asked to see the vision the angel showed Clary, Jace, and Serena. The demon destroying the Soul Sword hadn't been the only thing in the vision. The Morning Star.

Angels were seldom direct and chose to communicate often through metaphors, such as the morning star. The name Morgenstern literally meant Morning Star. The vision they'd seen seemed to refer to a demonic Morgenstern destroying the Sword and himself.

And since they hadn't been able to prove otherwise, Jace was the only demonic Morgenstern they knew of. He could destroy the Sword but the price to pay would be his own life.

He and Luke were in the car racing towards the Institute when he was finally able to get a hold of his parabatai. "Alec, are you ok?"

"We're under attack. Major casualties. Valentine used Madzie to take down the wards."

"Where's Izzy? Where's Rena?" Jace asked worriedly.

"Izzy wasn't here and Serena took a team down to guard the tunnels. I'm looking for her now but -"

"Alec, listen to me," Jace interjected. "This is my sister we're talking about. She's probably just waiting to make a dramatic entrance. She's gonna be fine, but right now you have a bigger problem. Alec, Valentine is there to use the power core instead of lightning. He's got Simon. He's threatening to kill him if Clary doesn't come and activate the Sword."

"You have to keep Clary away from that Sword."

"Don't worry. She's with Magnus. Luke and I are coming for it now. Just get to the power core. Shut it down. That way no matter who touches the Sword, it won't turn on. Then we can worry about finding Rena."

Alec didn't get a chance to reply before he was shoved from behind. The tall Shadowhunter fell to the floor as his phone flew out of his hand and Jace's voice continued to scream through it.
Alec discarded his bow as he disarmed the Shadowhunter, striking him down with his own sword before he turned to face another one, a woman this time. He was able to dodge her first few strikes and was about to switch from defense to offense when she dropped low and kicked out her foot to swipe his legs out from under him.

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