How To Send A Demon Back To Hell If You Also Want To Go With It

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Serena didn't think it was possible for things to get even messier than they were but they did.

Heidi, a girl that Simon had accidentally turned and that Raphael brought back, was unbelievably attached to her sire. She'd attacked Izzy before, thinking that she was Simon's girlfriend, and now Izzy had to go and save Simon's mother and sister after he was forced to feed on them. And yet, that wasn't the worst thing to happen.

Perhaps, the worst thing to happen was what Clary did in the Gard. She bargained away her execution in exchange for resurrecting Valentine. Jia had wanted information on Lilith and Valentine was her only source, but the warlock, Iris Rouse refused to do it. So that left Clary. Valentine's daughter used the very gifts she was blessed with to create a necromancy rune. She felt the angel's resistance and yet, she pushed through anyway and she succeeded in bringing him back. Except, she did her job a bit too well because they couldn't kill him afterward.

Valentine slaughtered half the Gard as he tried to break out and back into Alicante. Clary let him see the sunlight, the city he would never see again so she could get close enough to him and deactivate his necromancy rune. And who was under the guard mask as they punched a hole into his chest and pulled out one of his ribs, you might ask? None other than Jace Herondale. And Valentine's rib wasn't the only thing Jace took, he took Clary as well. Because Lilith needed both ingredients to bring Jonathan back to life.

So, while Maryse and Luke tried to track down Lilith, who now had Clary, Serena was trailing through a forest covered in blood. Her steps were leisurely as she strode through the Seelie Realm.

"What is it that you want, Lady Herondale? Can you not see that I am busy mourning?" the Seelie Queen remarked as she sat on the floor before her throne, holding the hand of her dead handmaiden.

"Well, I do have a very important matter to discuss with you but I have to say, I love what you've done with the place. Was the idea to redecorate yours or that of an uninvited guest?" she taunted and darkened eyes turned to her.

"If you are going to be rude, there is no place for you in my court. Leave."

"You don't have much of a court from the looks of things."

"LEAVE!" the queen thundered but Serena wasn't scared.

"I shall only leave when I have received an answer. And be warned that I am not in any mood for your usual tricks. It was you who told Lilith where my brother was, wasn't it?!"

The Seelie Queen swallowed nervously. "It was the only way to save what was left of my people."

Serena laughed. She laughed something cold and evil before she looked back down on the Seelie Queen. "I kept telling myself that I was being paranoid. That more people than just you would've known what we were up to. That you wouldn't have done that because harming my twin would be in direct violation of our agreement."

"Serena, you must understand -"

"I had my twin back, do you understand? He was going to come back, he would be back, he would've been free of Lilith if not for you. So I hope you understand my level of rage right now. Because you can consider our agreement terminated," Serena said darkly. "I am no longer obligated to keep any secrets you tell me. I will still protect your people of course, but you, Your Majesty, our dealings are finished. Any meetings I hold in the future are to be attended by a delegate, which shouldn't be an issue for you."


"I will now take my leave, Your Majesty."

"You do not turn your back on me!" The Seelie Queen shrieked as she got to her feet.

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