Chu Feng vs Chu Xun

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“Damn! What is this situation?”

This time, not to mention the Chu family, even a lot of outsiders that didn’t recognize Chu Feng cast their gazes towards him.

“Who is this young man? He actually made continuous opponents to concede.”

“I don’t know, but looking at his clothes he should be the inner court disciple of the Azure Dragon School, but I don’t think that he showed up in the past Chu family gatherings.”

“He is not simple. Absolutely not simple. Without even exchanging blows he made the opponent scared. With this kind of deterrence, what would his future be like?”

Some of the observing crowd started focusing on Chu Feng, and hiddenly, they felt that Chu Feng was quite an impressive fellow.

“Ha! What are you even thinking about. This is the trash of the Chu family.” A Chu family male that extremely loathed Chu Feng said that unhappily.

“Oh? You know this young man?” A big person questioned.

“Of course I know. I am from the Chu family so I clearly know that this boy is useless person.”

“Have a look. This boy must have bribed the Cheng Zhen brothers and he is simply bluffing. I guarantee that he will lose in the next round.” That Chu family male said with confidence.

“Ho, you must have already have some opinion on that young man right? No offence, but you are already an adult, so why lower yourself to a child?” That big person smiled and said.

“What? You’re saying that I’m slandering him? I am saying only the truth.” That Chu family male was extremely angry.

“Then how about this, I’ll make a bet with you. If it is as you said, and that young man will lose next round, then these silvers will belong to you. If not, hehe, you understand...” That big person took out a tael of silver.

“Why not bet? I was just afraid that you wouldn’t.” Seeing that there was free money, why wouldn’t that Chu family male not take it? Very quickly, he also took out a tael of silver.

“I concede.” But just at that time, another yell came from the middle of the martial arts training ground.

Focusing their gaze, the Chu family male couldn’t help but be shocked. Again, it was Chu Feng’s stage, and the one who conceded was Chu Gao.

“Damn it. This bad luck.” That Chu family male was speechless and his mind was a bit chaotic.

“Hehe, sorry that you lost.” Seeing that, the big person helped himself and took the tael of silver from the male’s hand with a smile.

Looking at his tael of silver that he paid to the rivers, that Chu family male felt a wave of pain and he said, “Do you dare to bet anymore? This time, I’ll bet 3 taels of silvers.”

[TN: Paying to the rivers = throwing money away]

“Why not, just afraid that you wouldn’t.” That big person quickly responded.

“Ahh, count me in as well. I bet on the victory of that young man.”

“Count me too. I also bet on the victory of that young man!” At the same time, some meddling people around also joined in.

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