Those Who Dare Approach, Die

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Chu Feng and the others followed the map and continued walking. Finally, before the sky became dark, they arrived at the so-called tomb.

At that instant, the tomb was already opened. Although there were still a lot of people rushing in, they could not see the figures of the Origin realm experts. Which meant that the strongest people already entered.

“So we can only get some leftovers?” Seeing that scene, many people were discouraged.

“If we don’t quickly enter, I’m afraid that we won’t even see a single grain of rice.” On the other hand, Chu Feng smiled indifferently and took the lead to rush in first.

The tomb was created under the desert and the size exceeded everyone’s imagination. On both sides of the wide tunnel, luminous rocks were hung all over. The road lit up by the rocks were as bright as the day.

Going along the road, before 50 meters, a round hall appeared. The hall was lit up by lamps and the dazzling sight was very beautiful. It was the first time that Chu Feng saw such luxurious indoor decorations.

But, the round hall was not the end. Rather, there were dozens of tunnels there. Every tunnel went very deep and they couldn’t see the end.

“Chu Feng, which one should we go into?” Seeing the tunnels that were like a maze, Su Mei and the others cast their gazes towards Chu Feng. At that moment, the Chu Feng that had the Spirit power became the backbone of their group.

“The tunnels go too deep and I can’t even check the end. We can only wish for luck.”

Chu Feng helplessly shook his head but he didn’t hesitate and picked a tunnel. He rushed into it and Su Mei and the others closely followed.

After entering the tunnel before long, they found out that on both sides, many doors appeared. Some of the doors were already opened and they could see a large amount of spiritual medicines inside. Also within the many rooms, people were battling each other to fight over the spiritual medicines.

“Here, I’ll open this one.”

Chu Feng spread out his Spirit power and found the firmest iron door. As he arrived in front of the door, he said nothing and used the 2nd style of the Three Thunder Styles. A ray of lighting swept past and that sturdy iron door got opened by Chu Feng.


After opening the door, a wave of spiritual energy rushed towards their face. Ground Spirit Grass, Sky Spirit Grass, Saint Spirit Grass... everything that should be there was there. There were several thousands being displayed in the room and they were all dazzling.

“How is this a tomb? It’s just like a treasure storehouse!”

Seeing that, everyone was extremely happy. They knew that they were going to earn a lot because there were at least several dozens of rooms just like this in the tunnels.

“Bai Long, Bai Hu, Ye Taozi, Zhang Tingzi. The four of you guard the door. Bai Tong, Su Mei, us three will go and take the spiritual medicines.”

After saying that, Chu Feng, Su Mei, Bai Tong rushed in, took the Cosmos Sacks and began to collect the spiritual medicines without restraint. No matter if it was of the low quality or of the high quality, as long as it was spiritual medicines they did not let it any go.

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