Famous for a Hundred Miles

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Chu Feng leapt off from the stage. He did not bother enjoying the cheering and clapping and he directly walked out of the training grounds.

No one knew what to do as they looked at the back of Chu Feng. Only Chu Yuanba smiled and said in a low voice, “It seems like this guy has very deep resentments.”

After leaving the martial arts training ground, Chu Feng went to Chu Guyu’s room. Chu Hongfei’s punch was very fierce and it was really not light when it hit Chu Guyu. After being unconscious for a good 4 hours he slowly awakened.

“Brother, what happened outside? Why is it so loud?” Chu Guyu didn’t know what happened at the martial arts training ground.

“Nothing.” Chu Feng’s smile was very calm.

“Ahh, perhaps 6th uncle is the master now. It’s all because of me. If I could have won, father would have...” Chu Guyu kept on blaming himself.

“Guyu, are you any better?”

But just at that time, Chu Yuanba walked in. Behind him were Chu Yuan, Chu Renyi, Chu Nanshan and some other people with high status.

“Grandfather, I’m fine.” Seeing Chu Yuanba, Chu Guyu immediately sat up. He did not dare to neglect this grandfather.

“It’s good if you’re fine.” Chu Yuanba lightly chuckled, and on his face, the rare benevolence emerged onto his face then he shot a glance at the Chu Nanshan behind him.

Seeing that, Chu Nanshan said with a bit of embarrassment, “Guyu, it’s all because that child Hongfei inappropriately attacked. But don’t put it to heart because now, his injuries are heavier than yours.”

“What? Chu Hongfei also got injured?” Chu Guyu was a bit stunned.

“Ah...” Chu Nanshan bitterly laughed, but said nothing more and looked meaningfully at Chu Feng.

Following Chu Nanshan’s gaze, Chu Guyu stared blankly at first, but shortly after it was like he thought of something and the colour of his face changed as he was surprised. Just at that time, Chu Yuanba also spoke.

“Feng’er, thank you for today, or else our Chu family’s face really would have been trampled over by the Xu family.” As Chu Yuanba spoke, he took out 10 Saint Spirit Grasses from his pocket and gave it to Chu Feng.

“This...” Seeing that, everyone couldn’t help but be at a loss. The reward of getting first place in the competition was only 2 Saint Spirit Grasses. But now Chu Yuanba took 10 out. It was not a small number!

“Grandfather, what does this mean?” Chu Feng pretended to not understand.

“This is what you should get. Take it. If you take it, I can feel more comfortable.” As he talked, Chu Yuanba had an apologetic face on.

Although he never made things hard for Chu Feng, he never stopped the scenes in which Chu Feng got bullied by the Chu family. As for the reason, it was very simple. It was because he didn’t like Chu Feng in his heart as well.

But today, if it wasn’t for Chu Feng, his Chu family would have been the laughing stock of the crowd. Also because of Chu Feng, the Chu family’s prestige increased many times.

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