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His face slightly dropped at my attitude.


Ashley's POV

The man lunged towards me and before I could react he snatched the gun from my hand. The man stood tall and held the gun tightly which was pointed straight at me. I let out a quick laugh as I stared into the gun barrel. I slightly turned my head to Jai and watched as he shot the man standing behind the guy aiming the gun towards me. The piercing sound of the gun shot made the man standing Infront of me jump. I watched as his face dropped and he looked over his shoulder in fear at his friend who was now laying completely still on the road.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, give me the money and you can leave" I spoke, then looked down to his grip on my gun. "And my gun back please" I added with a smile as I held my hand out.

The man grabbed my hand and dragged me Infront of him while his arm swung across my chest making me unable to move. He held the cold gun barrel against my temple.

"Let go" I laughed.

"Stop laughing. I will kill you" he spoke with a heavy breath as he pushed the gun deeper into my skull.

"Not so sure about that" I grinned as I slowly put my hand in my pocket.

I pulled another gun out and in a swift movement I had got out of his grip and was holding the gun tight pointing at him. I aimed straight at his head as I slowly stepped back.

"Where's the money?" I said now annoyed.

"In the car" he said shaken.

"Thanks" I smiled before pulling the trigger.

I felt as blood splattered on my face. I gagged and wiped it off with my shirt. I looked to Kurt who bent down and grabbed the man's gun along with his keys. I gave him a playful eye roll before looking back to Jai with a smile.

"Where's the car parked" I said as I looked to Kurt.

"Back over here" he said as he handed me my gun.

Me and Jai followed after Kurt who led the way. Kurt was too good to wind up in these situations. He was the first person me and Jai properly got along with here in Rome. He was almost like family which made it hard to send him off on deals. I was knowingly putting him in danger. He was young and deserved to be in a better career. Kurt was a good man and I knew he wasn't made for this lifestyle.

"Kurt" I said softly.

"Yes Ashley" he said with a smile.

"Don't you think you deserve better" I said with a smile.

"What do you mean" he said with a raised eyebrow as we continued walking.

"I think you should choose a safer career. I feel horrible always putting you in dangerous situations" I said giving him a comforting smile.

"What are you saying" he said as he stopped.

"Well, I think it would be bet-" I started before I saw a man in the distance pointing a gun at us. "Watch out!" I yelled as I bent down and heard the gun shot.

"Ashley" Kurt muttered before falling to the floor.

"Kurt" I screamed. "No" I cried hovering over his body.

I stood back up shaking, anger following through my whole body. I pointed my gun at his head and started to set of rapid shots at the man. He quickly ducked and hid behind a trash can. I looked to my right and Jai was hid behind a nearby car. I started to creep up closer to the man that was hidden behind a trash can. With my back against a building I sprung forward and started shoot careless in complete fury. The man stood up from behind the trash can and before he could raise his gun, I shot him straight in the chest. I walked over and watched as he choked on his blood. I felt the tears streaming down my face as I pulled the trigger again. I heard his heavy breathing stop. I dropped my gun by my side and started to sob with my hands over my face. I wobbled back over to Kurt who was bleeding out. I fell to my knees beside him as Jai joined me.

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