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I smiled low to myself before letting myself slip away out of consciences.



I rolled over while keeping me eyes squeezed shut feeling as though I would throw up till tasting the lingering alcohol in my mouth. My head ached and tried to fall back asleep before I heard a slight deep giggle not too far away from me. I didn't react instead I stayed completely still in fear as I realised this wasn't the hotel bed. I opened my eyes slightly, my vison was blurry and I couldn't make out anything except I knew I was on a couch. I had no clue what happened last night or how I even ended up here. I started to blink hard and fast trying to regain eyesight as I slowly sat up. Where the hell was I?

I gazed around the room before seeing a figure standing by what I assumed was a kitchen. It was familiar. A sense of relief washed over me as I realized I was at Bree's house. Feeling more confident I stood up with a wobble and began to walk closer to the kitchen. Sitting down at the bench, I held my head up with my hand and tried to focus on the figure, but my vision was still blurry.

"Could you get me a glass of water? I can't see straight" I giggled looking at the unknown person Infront of me.

"Here's some pain killers as well. That should help with the hangover." A deep voice said coated  in a thick German accent. I immediately knew who it was. I rolled my eyes an reached for the water.

"Thanks" I replied bluntly. 

I sat with the glass in my hands as I slowly adjusted to the light. I didn't dare to take the medication or the water I didn't trust him. I watched as Tom walked out of the kitchen and away. I didn't feel put together. I still felt like I was in a drunken trance. There was no way I was just in the kitchen with Tom. There was no way my sister married Bill. I still hadn't processed any of this yet. I needed to get back to the hotel. I felt unsafe knowing Tom was just upstairs.

As I stumbled off the chair, a nauseating wave gripped my stomach. I was definitely going to be sick. I began to quickly walk around the house trying to find a bathroom. I finally swung the bathroom door open at the end of the hallway and ran in. I hovered over the toilet and began to throw up all the contents of my stomach. This was the consequence my body gave me, a reminder of why I never drank. I finished and straightened up and tucked my hair behind my ears.

I walked to the mirror and rubbed my hands over my face. The makeup from last night smeared down my face, streaks of mascara running like tears down my cheeks. I turned the water on an began to scrub the old makeup off. I stood back up and grabbed a towel by the mirror and began to pat my face dry. As I did this I realised I had no idea where any of my stuff was. I walked out of the bathroom and began to look around the house for my handbag and phone. I wondered around before I saw a small clock hung on the wall. It was around 9 and knowing Bree she was always slept in late. I rolled my eyes knowing I would have to wait until they woke up to find my stuff, so I decided to make my way to the couch. I sat down and grabbed the remote flicking to a random channel to pass time.


I slowly opened my eyes and held my aching head, it intensifying with each movement. With a heavy sigh I stood up an began to drag myself to the kitchen bench so I could get a cup of water. My gaze fell upon the untouched glass Tom had gotten me still sitting there, a silent reminder that I was in his presence. Without hesitation, I emptied the glass into the sink and filled it back up just to make sure. I started to drink the water before opening up a cupboard trying to find pain killers. There was none in sight, so I picked up the two from the bench an sighed.

"Oh well" I whispered to myself, titling my head back and swallowing the pills.

I slugged back to the couch and started to flick few channels before I heard someone's footsteps. I sat myself up in the couch and watched as Bree shuffled around the corner.

Forgotten Love || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now