"We're done"

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I want to believe I have changed since then but I haven't.


Ashley's POV

I rolled over and slowly opened my eyes. I sat up and looked to my right at Tom. I felt a slight sickness in my stomach as I stared at his face. I walked into the bathroom quickly turning on the water before stepping into the shower. I stood under the water as I stared at the shampoo bottle propped on the shelf in front of me. I unknowingly let a few tears fall as I began to wash my hair.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body before standing in front of the mirror. I looked at my red eyes and my puffy under eyes. I couldn't explain what I was thinking. I didn't even know what I was thinking. I brushed through my hair softly as I stared at myself in the mirror. I placed the hairbrush down before walking out of the bathroom and closer to my suitcase. I grabbed my clothes and quickly scurried back to the bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked at the bed where Tom was still sound asleep. I quietly grabbed my book and stepped outside. I began to walk down the stairs and my feet soon met the sand. I got close to the shore before taking off my large top. I readjusted my bikini strap before sitting down on a towel. I picked up my book trying to escape from reality. I needed a distraction I was making myself sick about this whole situation.

After a few pages, I put the book down. I couldn't get into it. I pulled my knees up and began to look down the coast as the sun glistened on the water. I wanted to go back home. I couldn't deal with everything here but how would I tell Maria and the rest of them. Maria was already mad I had been gone for so long and coming back without Jai with no explanation will drive her off the edge.


I walked back up the stairs and joined everyone in the pool. I sat by the pool since I had just washed my hair and watched them splash around like kids. Tom walked out of my door to get outside, and Bill's head snapped towards me. I didn't look at him instead I smiled as Bree tried to pull Lauren under the water playfully. I broke my gaze at them before turning to Tom and Zara. He was stood over Zara yelling at her. I bit my cheek as I squinted my eyes. I watched as Zara slightly jumped at his words. I went to stand up but stopped myself and leaned back into the chair. It wasn't my business, but I didn't want to sit here and watch him degrade her. I turned my head trying to block the noise before I heard a slap. I stood up and began to walk over to them.

I stood next to them both as I looked up to Tom then to Zara. Tom's head slightly turned as he clenched his jaw. His face sort of softened when he made eye contact with me. Now that I was standing there I didn't know what to say. My voice didn't want to work. I looked to Zara as she held her face trying to say something but nothing. I sighed and turned away.

Tom's POV

I gently grabbed her wrist as she turned away. I heard let out a small gasp and she slowly turned her head to me. The expression on her face was familiar. She looked down at my hand wrapped around her wrist and looked back up at me with pure horror in her eyes. I let go with a small sigh as she quickly walked inside. I turned to Zara immediately feeling rage again. I didn't care for Zara but the fact she cheated pissed me off.

Ashley's POV

I walked back inside quickly feeling uneasy. I held my wrist where he held it as I walked into the kitchen. My breathing was getting harder, and my chest felt like it was tightening. I quickly grabbed water and began to slowly drink it in a daze. I felt like I was in a fucked up nightmare. I couldn't think but at the same time, I couldn't stop thinking.

My breathing was going back to normal before I heard my phone start to ring. I jumped slightly before quickly walking into my room and snatching my phone from the bedside table.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone as I raised it to my ear.

"We're all done Ashley" Maria snapped through the phone.

"Done what?" I groaned.

"The last deals tonight. We're getting rid of everything, and the money will be in your bank by 8 pm" she said bluntly.

"What the fuck do you mean?" I raised my voice.

"You think it's okay to leave us and expect all of us to do everything for you" she yelled into the phone. "All of us are done with putting our lives in danger" she continued.

"Maria" I laughed lightly. "You don't know what you're doing" I added with a grin.

"Ashley we all agreed this was for the better. With Chloe almost dying last night we've had enough. You and Jai can do it" she spoke.

"Jai's dead," I said bluntly. "If you think that's what best so it be. Just don't think you will get away with this" I continued filled with anger.

"Ashley we don't want to die" she said low.

"You die either way silly" I laughed biting my cheek.

"No, we don't have to" her voice broke.

"I want my money by 8 pm sharp and when I get back tomorrow I don't want to see you. Any of yous" I growled into the phone.

"Okay, you won't see us. Ever. But Ashl-" she began to speak.

"You're going to want to hope I don't see any of yous" I spoke over her before hanging the phone.

I dropped my phone on the bench and broke down. A tear rolled down my cheek as I looked at the floor. I felt my tight grow tight again and I began to walk to my bed. I sat down with my legs crossed and let the tears spill. My life was ruined. I don't have Jai. I don't have Kurt, Maria I don't have any of them anymore. I knew I could do deals and everything by myself.

The past year I've been building my empire and healing myself, but I ruined it all in less than a week.

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