Mix up

351 12 18

I needed to ignore him and enjoy my time here with the others.


Ashley's POV

It was now getting dark, and I had finished my drink. I climbed out of the pool and noticed Bill and Bree weren't out here anymore. I grabbed my towel from the bench and wrapped it around myself. I scoffed to myself as I realised the towel was already wet. Bree must have used it so I through it on the back of a chair to dry. I wrapped my arms around my torso and began to walk back up to my room. As I swung the door open I quickly grabbed my suitcase and dragged it into the bathroom. I slipped out of my bathers and jumped into the shower letting the warm water drown my body.

I stepped out the shower and wrapped a fresh white towel hung on a towel rack around my body. I bent down searching in my suitcase. I pulled out a white boob tube and a pair of grey shorts. It was too hot here to be wearing anything more. I began to brush my hair before sectioning it and starting a plat. I left my suitcase in the bathroom as I walked out of the bathroom still plating my hair. I took then hair band from my wrist and looked out the window. The sun was hidden but there was still some light. I looked back down at my hair while wrapping the end of the plat. I sighed before quickly walking to the bed. It was darker on this side of the room, so I reached out before laying down. I heard a groan as I laid my head on the pillow. I raised my head and turned to the side.

"What the fuck?" Tom spoke.

"What are you doing in here?" I said startled.

"What ar- Ash?" Tom said softly sitting up. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked.

"This is where the ladies told us to go" he groaned.

"Us?" I said before reaching for the lamp on the side of the bed. I turned it on and noticed the women laying on top of him.

"Yeah?" he said bluntly while rubbing his eye.

"Okay" I said getting up from the bed and walking to the table.

I grabbed my phone and turned to him as he sat up in bed. I turned around and opened the door I walked down the steps. I sat at a bar they head tucked into the corner. I laid my head down on the table still tired from our trip. I didn't know where I was going to sleep. I raised my phone and began to message Jai. I left out the fact I was with the Kaulitz twins. We talked about the resort and what time he was going to be here. I jumped and turned around when I head heavy footsteps behind me.

"What are you doing?" Bill spoke softly.

"Nothing" I smiled.

"Why aren't you in your room?" he asked as lingered behind me.

"There was a little bit of a mix up" I spoke as I spun around in my chair.

"With what?" he questioned.

"Rooms" I giggled.

"What happened?" he spoke with a sigh.

"Don't worry it's all sorted now" I said giving him a reassuring smile.

"Okay" he said turning away.

"Goodnight Bill" I said as he started to walk away.

"Night Ash" he turned his head slightly before opening the wide doors and walking inside.

I spun back around and sighed. I grabbed my phone from the bench and stood up. I quietly walked back into my room and silently shut the door. I sat down on a couch next to the door. I slowly slid down and tried to get comfortable. I didn't want to tell Bill and make him stress. I would go talk to the front desk tomorrow morning to get a new room. I switched sides and faced the back of the couch. I finally felt myself beginning to drift off and I fell asleep.


Toms POV

I pushed Zara off my chest and slowly sat up. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to adjust to the bright light. I groaned as I got up from bed as I chucked on a shirt. I stepped closer to the balcony door before noticing Ashley on the couch huddled up. I smiled then quickly looked away. I shook my head and turned around walking out of the room. I walked up to the front desk where a women looked up and smiled at me.

"I think there's been a mix up with rooms" I spoke bluntly.

"Okay what room were you in sir?" she replied politely.

"6" I said looking away from her.

"Oh okay. Tom Kaulitz is it?" she asked looking up from her computer.

"Yeah" he said quick.

"I'm very sorry sir. You are in room 8" she said apologetically.

"Ok" I replied before walking away.

I walked back into the room and woke Zara up and hushed her to grab her bags. We were quickly out of the room. We walked into to our room throwing our stuff on the floor before crashing into bed once again.

Ashley's POV

I rolled over with a load groan. I sat up on the couch stretching out wide. The couch was so uncomfortable, and my back was killing me. I looked over to the bed and noticed they weren't in the bed. I stood up and looked around the room. It looked like their bags were gone so I smiled and jumped into the bed. I turned on my side smiling low to myself at the pure comfort. His smell suddenly filled my nose. My smile slowly faded, and I rolled over before I fell back asleep.


"Come on" I barely made out.

"Huh" I replied rolling over.

"Hurry up" she moaned.

I sat up and turned my head to Bree standing at the end of my bed. I rolled my eyes and fell back into the bed with a groan.

"What time is it?" I mumbled into the pillow.

"9" she replied.

"It's so early" I cried.

"I know but we have to go" she said quickly.

"Where? Isn't Jai getting here at 10?" I said picking me head up.

"Oh really?" she said bumed.

"Yes I think so" I said sitting up.

"We have an appointment booked already" she said sitting down on the end of the bed.

"For what?" I questioned looking at the back of her head.

"Hair" she said turning around.

"Didn't you get your hair done like a few days ago?" I laughed.

"Yeah but I-" she started.

"Exactly" I giggled.

"I want to get highlights and you need to fix that box dye" she snapped as I laughed.

"Well have fun because I have to be here when Jai arrives" I said softly.

"I swear he doesn't get here until like 11 that's why I booked it for 9:30" she said low.

"I don't know" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm going to ask Bill" she said standing up and walking out of the door.

I watched as the door slowly shut and I rolled towards the end of the bed. I stood up and began to walk to the bathroom. I got inside and looked in the mirror before leaning over the sink and splashing cold water over my face. I patted my face dry with a towel and began to take out my plait before I grabbed my hairbrush. I brushed through the nots in my hair before tying it up into a bun. I turned around and walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone. I messaged Jai but had no reply. I held my phone close to me as I walked out of my room.

The resort we were staying at had a weird layout. There was a main entrance to the back door and was covered in windows. There was a main area with a small kitchen and a lounge area. It seemed like a big room but there was walls placed to make the room seem more homely. Our rooms faced each other and there was another door to the lobby opposite the outside area.

I sat on a couch by the big window and grabbed the TV remote. I put on a random channel and tried to get a hold of Jai again. I slightly turned my head and watched as Gustav walked out of his room that was hidden by a wall. I smiled at him, and he came towards me.

"Hey" I grinned.

"Hi" he said looking around before sitting on the couch.

"I can't believe you're here" he smiled.

I took a deep breath and looked away before smiling. "I know" I laughed awkwardly.

"We all missed you" he said.

"Well I've missed you all to" I smiled.

"I thought Tom would flip but for some reason he hasn't" he said low.

"I guess he's changed" I lied with a light giggle.

"Yeah" he said sarcastic with a laugh.

It grew silent as I turned to Gustav. It looked like he was holding something back and wanted to tell me something. I was about to speak when Bree came skipping out of her room.

"Jai hasn't even landed in Tokyo yet. He's landing in Tokyo at 10 then he will be on a flight at 10:45 to get here" she smiled waving her arms around.

"Okay I guess I'll go get ready now" I laughed as I stood up.

"Yeah hurry up" she moaned hushing me into my room.

I walked closer to my bag and grabbed out a dark grey shirt and a pair of leggings. If I was going to sit in a chair for hours I was going to be comfy. I slipped on the pants and pulled the shirt over my head. The shirt was tight fitted and hugged my curves, and the leggings made my ass look good. I smiled and grabbed my sunglasses from my bag and put them in my head before snatching up my bag. I checked my outfit one more time before walking out of my room.

"Come on" Bree smiled.

I began to follow her out of the resort and up to a rental. I got into the passenger's seat, and we were soon out onto the streets. We played loud music and sang along as we drove down the bright atmosphere of Fiji. We soon slowed down and got out of the car with wide smiles. We walked into the salon where we were greeted with kind women.

"Morning" the lady behind the desk smiled.

"Hey" I replied.

"We have an appointment booked under Kaulitz" Bree smiled.

"What would you like done today?" she said softly with wide eyes.

"I just want to add a few highlights and she" Bree said as she turned to me.

"Uhm. Surprise me I guess" I said as the lady's eyes lit up.

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