"... I heard you, I felt you"

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I readjusted my outfit and hair before turning around and walking out of the bathroom.


Ashley's POV

"Where are you going?" Tom grunted from behind me.

I turned around my heart racing before I laughed softly.

"Out" I smiled before turning back around.

"Where?" he said following behind me.

"A club in the city" I said slightly turning my head towards him.

"Okay" he said bluntly.

I turned around and watched as he walked away. I shrugged my shoulders and turned back around grabbing the door handle. I walked out of the house and started to walk closer to the gate. I opened the gate and stood out on the foot walk waiting for Avon. I heard a rumble grow closer, and I looked up in excitement.

The car stopped and I walked closer to it with a smile before walking around to the passenger's seat door. I opened the door and sat inside immediately turning to Avon with a massive smile. I reached over the glove compartment and hugged him as he laughed.

"I missed you too" he laughed.

"Ugh it's been so long" I smiled as I let go and we began to drive forward.

"So how have things been. How's Jai?" he asked before I took a big deep breath. "What?" he questioned by my actions.

"My sister Bree kind a married-" I started before he cut me off.

"Tom!?" he said turning to me with a wide mouth.

"No Bill" I laughed.

"Oh my god" he said with wide eyes.

"Tom and Jai ended up fighting and well-" I started.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just I haven't been myself. I can't explain it" I said looking out the window.

"What else has happened. You being in the same capital of Tom is crazy" he said as he spun the wheel left.

"Well Bree left that part out. She only found out about our past a couple days ago and she's been babying me ever since" I rolled my eyes.

"Really? You still haven't even told me everything" he sulked.

"You don't want to know everything Avon" I said turning to him.

"True. I don't want to know all the sick things he's done to girls in general" he said slowing down.

I looked at him and sighed heavy before opening the door. He quickly joined my side and softly grabbed my wrist. We walked closer to the line before he pulled me forward as I looked at him and smiled. The bodyguard turned his attention away from the line and looked at us. He nodded and opened the gate as I looked around awe.

"Mr. Important" I laughed as we walked into the club.

Avon then muttered something, but I couldn't hear due to the booming music. I held onto his arm as we pushed through the crowd. We stopped Infront of a bar before he turned to me.

"What do you want to drink?" he whispered into my ear.

"Uhm vodka lemon" I yelled back into his ear.

I watched as he ordered the drinks before turning around. Everyone looked happy as they danced around the club which made me feel a little safter. It didn't look like anything suspicious was going on but yet it was Tokyo.

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