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What was I about to get myself into.


I lightly shoved Lauren's shoulder to wake her up as the plane began to land. She moaned and rolled her eyes at me as I laughed and squeezed myself past her and the seats Infront of us. I began to walk down the plane towards tge exit as I heard Lauren followed by Gustav shuffle behind me. I carefully walked down the steps and turned around and blocked the sun from my eyes and watched as Lauren and Gustav slumped down the stairs. I turned back around and noticed there were cars already waiting for us.

"You're with me" Tom bumped me with his arm as he walked past.

I rolled my eyes and started to follow behind him. He opened the back door and hushed me to get in. I clenched my jaw as I bent down and climbed into the car with a huff. It was nice that he was being polite, but I knew it was all an act.
It had to be.

Tom got in anf shut the door as I turned away and looked out the window. The driver turned around giving us a smile before starting the car. We soon pulled away from the airport closely following behind the other cars.

Tom's POV

It was so hard her being here. I wanted her but I didn't want to hurt her again because she doesn't and never did deserve it. I mean of course I wanted to get revenge on how she left after I had been so venerable with her. I told her that I loved her, and she still left. I understand why she did, but I was trying to change.

I knew I needed to push her away, so she goes back to Rome. Somehow make her regret coming back with us without hurting her.

I didn't want to get caught up with her and my feelings. Things were going even better for me now in Tokyo. I didn't need Ashley. I didn't need her to distract me.

Ashley's POV

I swung the car door open and stepped out before walking around to the trunk. I pulled out both of our bags and rolled Toms to him as he walked out of the car. I dragged myself and the bag behind Tom as he got closer to the front door. I took a deep breathe. This would be better than being back in Rome I lied to myself. We walked through the door before Bree came out of nowhere. I jumped back with a slight giggle.

"I'll show you your room" she smiled holding my forearm.

"Okay" I replied following her.

We walked past the kitchen and down a narrow hallway before we reached the end. She opened the last door of the hallway and smiled.

"Here" she said with her arm out.

"Thank you. I'm sure I'll be leaving in a few
days" I said pulling my bag into the dark room.

Bree shut the door as I let go of my bags. I walked over to the window pulling back the curtains and bringing light to the empty room. There was a bed placed in the middle of the room and two small grey bedside tables on either side of the bed. I sighed and dragged my feet closer to the bed before sitting down.

I looked out the window as I began to bite my nails. I had really lost myself. I vowed to never come back to Tokyo though I still took the chance for Bree. I never knew what I would do if I ever ran into them again, but I sure didn't think I would be weak enough to act like nothing happened. I needed to snap out of whatever daze I was in. I kissed him. I slept in the same bed as him for days.

I was spiralling and this wasn't like me. I wasn't the same weak Ashley I was a year ago. Though it felt like I was. I just needed to work things out and create a plan. It was hard too, because I knew  my life was ruined. It sounds dramatic. I had nothing but a house to go back to, but without Jai it wouldn't be the same.

I picked up my phone in a daze and rasied it to my ear.

"This is exactly why we said we didn't want to do this" I heard Maria cry.

"What" I said snapping out of my daze.

"Choles dead, Max is dead, Dre-" she sobbed.

"What happened?" I cut her off.

"Your stupid fucking deal we had to do. Shit went south and we barely made it out alive" she snapped.

"Okay" I said bluntly.

"Fuck you Ashley" she yelled into the
phone. "Hope you're having a good time on vacation while your employees are dying" she added.

"Thought you all quit?" I laughed into the phone.

"We did!" Maria groaned.

"Well, it's not my problem" I smiled before hanging up and dialling a new number.

"Avon?" I said softly.

Avon was a trusted drug dealer back in Rome. We had worked side by side for months before he had moved across the city. We were always close which Jai didn't like. There was always a connection between the two of us but we never acted on it because I was dating Jai and Avon respected that.

"Ashley" I heard him smile into the phone.

"Hi" I giggled. "Can you do something for me?" I asked softly.

"Of course, anything. How have you been?" Avon asked.

"I've been alright I guess" I moaned into the phone.

"Same. What do you need?" he replied.

"I left Rome for a little while and everything's gone to shit. Maria and everyone quit" I spoke softly. "Can you get someone to take care of them?" I added.

"You mean?" he started.

"Yeah I can't have them spilling stuff" I said as I rolled over onto my stomach.

"Yeah I'll get the boys to go down to the house because I'm not in Rome" he said softly.

"Yeah and can you be sure everything's taken from the house. Maybe take it back to your warehouse and I'll come past and get everything when I'm back" I smiled into the phone.

"Yeah yeah of course. Anything for an old friend" he replied. "How long until your back? " he asked.

"I'm in Tokyo right now but I was thinking a couple days" I said with a sigh.

"Tokyo?!" he questioned with a hint of excitement in his voice.

I never really told him about everything, but he knew why I hated Tom and why I never wanted to go back to Tokyo. Him and Tom were really old friends but when Tom's ego grew he pushed Avon out. Avon never hated Tom, he knew his reputation meant everything to him, so he didn't fight with him about it. I knew his perceptive slightly changed on Tom after I told him a few things that happened.

"Yeah" I sighed.

"No way I'm in Tokyo" he gasped.

"Oh my god" I smiled.

"Where are you around?" he asked excited.

"Just outside of the city" I said sitting up with a smile in my face.

"Come by the Oasis club tonight. Or I can pick you up" he said, his tone high pitched.

"Pick me up" I replied fast.

"Send me your location. I'll come around 8:00 ish" Avon spoke.

"Okay" I said excitedly before he hung up.

I got up from the bed and rushed out my room. I walked down the hallway and stared around in a daze. Which one was Bree's room?

"Bree?" I called out.

"Yeah?" I heard her reply from a far.

"Are you upstairs?" I asked.

"Yeah?" she yelled out, confused.

I turned to the stairs and began to walk up. The upstairs area was quite small with only a couple of doors. Knowing them half of the room would be filled up with drugs, money or guns. I walked up to the first door and knocked lightly.

"Bree?" I whispered before the door down the hallway opened.

"Yes?" she opened her door.

"Can I borrow something to wear?" I said skipping over to the door.

"Why?" she asked.

"I'm going out" I tilted my head.

"Okay c'mon" she said pulling me inside.

"Where you going?" Bill asked as he laid on the bed.

"Out" I smiled following behind Bree.

"Out where?" he said sitting up.

"Leave her alone" Bree laughed as she dragged me into her closet. I could tell by Bills face he was worried, but he had no need to be.


I walked out of the room fixing the shirt straps and pulling down my skirt. I made my way down the stairs and back to my room with a smile. I was so excited to see Avon. I had missed him so much after all these months and maybe he would be the one to snap me out of this trance and remind me who I was.

I grabbed my makeup bag and opened the door opposite my room. I sighed in relief as I walked into the bathroom. I dropped my stuff and began to play around with my makeup.

I soon finished everything and left some lose curls in my hair with my straightener. I took a step back and looked in the mirror. I readjusted my outfit and hair before turning around and walking out of the bathroom.

Forgotten Love || Tom KaulitzTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang