Broken vows

452 12 17

"I know" I said with a slight smile as I let my eyes slowly shut.


Jai's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and I struggled to move as Ashley laid on top of me sleeping gently. A soft smile crept across my face, as I gently played with her hair, realizing the weight of stress on both of us because we would be on a flight to Tokyo tonight. The anticipation of the unknown lingered. Who knows what would happen if we were spotted. I knew I would do the deal tonight so she could relax and unwind before our flight. Her well-being meant everything to me, and she means so much to me, I want her to be comfortable. I heard a soft moan from Ashley as she stretched.

"Morning" I laughed as she turned to me.

"Morning" she smiled as she leant closer in and kissed me. She placed her head back on my chest.

It was quiet for a moment before I spoke, "I'll do the deal tonight".

"Why" she questioned with a snarky tone.

"So, you can pack and everything" I said while lightly laughing at her attitude.

"I have all day" she snapped back.

"Ashley, I just think it would be easier for you. You can enjoy yourself and wind down before our flight" I said stroking her head.

"I can't be stuck here alone in my thoughts all day" she moaned while rolling off the bed.

"We will be okay" I said as she glanced over to me. "I'll get everything organised" I added.

Ashley left the room, and I stayed in bed. I knew I would ask Maria to take charge while we were gone and to keep everything on the down low. I didn't want to put the responsibility on her, but I knew she was the smartest out of the group.

Ashley's POV

I made my way to the kitchen and began to make me and Jai a coffee. I soon finished and held the warm cups in my hands before walking back into the bedroom. I handed one of the mugs to Jai with a smile as I sat down next to him.

"We need to make a stop at the house" I said looking at Jai. "We need to let them know our plans" I continued.

"Yeah, we will leave soon. I was thinking we put Maria in charge while we are gone. She is the most responsible and she knows what to do in most situations" Jai smiled before taking a sip.

"Yeah, I guess, I just feel bad leaving" I said softly while taking a sip.

"I know" Jai said with a sigh.

I reached for the remote and turned on the tv while sipping on my coffee. A million thoughts swarming my head. I knew I was over thinking. I knew I would be fine. I finished my coffee and stood up from the bed. I needed to start getting ready.

"I'm going to get ready" I smiled walking to the bathroom.

"Yep" I heard Jai smile.

I walked into the bathroom and brushed my dark brown hair which use to be crimson red. Before we moved, I had completely changed my appearance by dying my hair. The change gave me courage to embark a new life in an unfamiliar country. I started to eat and change my unhealthy. I looked like myself again, the girl I was before I moved to Tokyo, but with dark brown hair. I placed the hair brush down and picked up my makeup bag. I soon finished my makeup just doing a simple look. I walked out of the bathroom and to the closet. I pulled out a simple black mini dress and wriggled into the dress. I pulled put a large black trench coat and though it on over the dress and walked out of my room and into the kitchen where Jai sat waiting.

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