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Now I have become even more powerful, and a stupid little toy could never get between me and my title again.


Ashley's POV

It was now dark outside and all of us were sat around the kitchen table with drinks scattered on the bench Infront of us. I sat next to Lauren laughing reminding me of old times. I reached for another bottle quickly taking a sip before handing it to Jai beside me. I leaned on him as I continued to laugh with Lauren. I had missed this so much. I reached my arm back out before Jai put the bottle in my hand.

"Not too much tonight" he whispered.

I leaned off of him and rolled my eyes playfully. "Whatever" I laughed looking back at Lauren.

"Don't be a buzz kill" she groaned handing me another bottle. I laughed and raised them both up.

I handed one back to her and we began to drink the bottles. Slowly everything started to become blurry. I smiled and held myself up by Laurens knee.

"Omg I've missed this so much" Lauren giggled as she rest her hand on top of mine.

"I have too" I slurred out raising my eyebrows. I took another sip before almost chocking on my drink in laughter.

"Reme- omg remember when Anna fell on the face" I laughed.

"Omg stop" Lauren said holding her hand over her face.

"Whatever happened to her?" I questioned.

"Tom got rid of her when she refused to sleep with him" she said softly as I looked to Georg.

"Awh she wa-" I started.

"I know" Lauren said low.

I put my empty bottle on the table Infront of me. I could barely see anything more than 5 feet away now. My head was spinning, and I loved this feeling. I reached for another bottle cracking it open and putting my lips to it. Jai whispered in my ear, but I could barely make out what he was saying over the loud music.

"Huh" I groaned. He continued to mumble as I rolled my eyes. "I can't hear you" I moaned.

I turned looking at everyone not making out a single face. I could see the figures just not the features of their faces. I turned back to Lauren as she tried to shove another bottle in my hand.

"I haven't finished this yet" I laughed holding up the bottle in my hand. She said something while nodding but I couldn't hear her.

I got up and wriggled closer to the bathroom room and fell onto the toilet. I finished my business and walked back out of the bathroom. I looked at the table and shook my head. I wobbled to the couch and fell onto it. I didn't know why I felt so loose. I've drunken more than this before for I assumed because I hadn't drunken for a long time this is why I was feeling so sick. I sunk into the couch and smiled as I felt the music boom through my body.

I felt Jai's smooth hand graze against my cheek. I barely opened my eyes and smiled.

"We're going outside do you want me to stay with you?" he said softly.

"I'll come out" I smiled struggling to keep my head up.

"Okay ill meet you out there" he said lightly before leaving a kiss on my cheek.

I smiled and listened as the door shut. I shut my eyes and forced myself up from the couch. I couldn't pazz it this early. I walked up to the bench noticing everyone was outside now. I grabbed a bottle and walked back to the couch. I thought maybe more alcohol will bring the life back to me. I raised it to my lips and slowly finished the bottle before placing it on the bench before me. I sunk back into the couch letting my eyes shut for a second.

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