The wedding

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I moaned to myself before answering the phone as I walked into the building.


Ashley's POV

I pushed the large wooden doors open with my shoulder. I held the phone next to my ear keeping my head down as the room fell silent. I slightly lifted my head and noticed an empty seat and quickly sat down. I kept my head low embarrassed as the officiant began to speak again.

"What Jai" I whispered into the phone while looking to the women next to me. "Sorry" I said apologetically to the lady who was clearly annoyed.

"Ashley everything's sorted out. I'll be back tomorrow" he said into the phone.

"How?" I asked quietly while still looking at the floor.

"Adam didn't take Luna he just slept with her" Jai slightly laughed.

"Okay well I have to go," I said annoyed. "Wait dose Matteo know" I added curiously.

"No, I don't think so" Jai replied softly.

"Tell Adam he better not find. If he does then we all know what will happen" I said low with worry.

"Okay are you leaving for the wedding now?" Jai questioned.

"I'm here already" I replied rolling my eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I love you, bye" he said quickly.

"Bye" I said softly before he hung up. I sighed low before flicking my hair behind my shoulder and letting my arm drop into my lap.

Tom's POV

I stood tall with my hands Infront of me, and my fingers intertwined. I gazed at the women in the crowd she looked so familiar. I watched as she dropped her arm from her ear and moved her hair behind her shoulder. My heart sank and I felt my knees go weak at the sight. Everything around me felt slow and a high-pitched whistle rang in my ears. Right under her collar bone was a dark and long scar. It couldn't be her, I thought to myself. I mean, it looked like her, but why would she be here?

I felt Gustav bump my shoulder and I snapped my head to him. He raised his eyebrows and slightly turned his head to the side. I only smiled low and turned to the officiant.

Ashley's POV

Breaking my gaze from my phone, I finally looked up at Bree. I smiled softly to myself before shifting my attention to the groom. My heart fell to the bottom of my stomach, and I felt the world spin around me. A wave of queasiness washed over me at the sight. I quickly grabbed my bag and stood up. I felt everyone's eyes on me, and heard the officiant stop talking as I quickly made my way to the door. I looked around an began to feel lightheaded.

"Ashley!" Bree screamed from the top of the stairs.

I slightly turned my head back as I pulled opened the wide doors. I spun my head back and walked hurried out. The doors slammed shut behind me as I quickened my pace behind the building. I slammed my back against the wall and slid down slowly. I sat and began to lose control of my breathing and felt my body heat rise, overcome with panic. This couldn't be true. This had to be some sick nightmare.

Aubrey's POV

I spun my head back to Bill. His head was faced at the door and his eyes were wide and his mouth was opened a tad. I squeezed his hands, and he turned back to me and tried to smile. I smiled widely and mouthed 'I'm sorry' before I turned back to the officiant.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" he said with his arms raised out. "You may now kiss the bride" he continued.

I squealed before taking a step forward and falling into his soft lips. The people in the seats began to clap and cheer. We parted and he held his warm hands on my face.

Forgotten Love || Tom Kaulitzحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن