Cigarettes & whiskey

367 13 14

This wasn't Jai.


I rolled over holding my mouth before running into the bathroom. I fell beside the toilet and began to throw up my insides. My eyes watered as I coughed up everything. I fell back onto my knees and held my head. I leant back over the bowl gagging but nothing coming up. My throat hurt and my head was pounding. I reached up and flushed the throw up down the toilet and rested my head on the bowl.

I built up the courage to stand up. I looked in the mirror and sighed before turning around and walking out of the bathroom. I walked out of my room and to the kitchen but stopped when I stepped on a smash bottle. I winched and kept walking. The bench was filled with empty bottles. I sat on a bar stool and lifted my foot up and pulled out the tiny pieces of glass with my nails.

I stood up and walked around my bench and grabbed a glass from the cabinet. I poured a glass of water while leaning on the bench. What happened last night? I searched the kitchen before finding a large bin bag. I began to walk around the bench collecting all the bottles and putting them into the bag. I sweeped up the broken glass on the floor and put it into the bin.

I finally finished tiding up the area and sighed. I tied up the bag and placed it in the kitchen. I re filled my glass of water and walked out of the back door. I walked down a set of staircases and felt the sand cover my feet. I smiled at the familiar smell of the sea. I walked closer to the water and smiled at the sun blared in my eyes. I felt the water splash up as the waves crashed just Infront of me. I walked along the shore for a moment before backing up and sitting down as I held my cup.

As the waves crashed before me moments of last night began to catch up to me. I sighed taking a sip. I had no idea what to do from here. I decided I wouldn't think about it. I would go along as it played out.


I felt sand fly with the wind onto my back. I turned around and noticed Bree walking closer. I sighed and took a deep breath before smiling. She sat beside me slient. I worried Bill must had told her.

"Ash" she said softly. "Tell me" She added as she turned to me.

"What?" I smiled.

"You have to tell me" She replied looking at the ocean. I felt my eyes water and sighed.

"When I moved here to Tokyo I met this guy. His name was Chase and he was the leader of a known gang" I sighed feeling my heart rate rise. "Me and Melissa were drugged at a club our first night in Tokyo" I continued.

"Omg" she said looking at me.

"We were taken. Chase didn't allow us to do anything. I was forced to deal for him. I was his little pet" I said looking away as a lump grew in my throat.

"Pet?" she asked.

"Pet" I reassured her. "They did races and me and Mel were forced to go. Chase and Tom didn't like each other much because Tom had an ego. He would always win" I spoke quietly.

I looked down and began to play with the stings of my shorts. I felt her hand grab my wrist as a tear rolled down her eye. I opened my mouth and began to speak.

"On the way to a race one night I had kicked Mel out of the car and she-" I started.

"Why?" she cut me off softly.

"It was a stupid reason" I said in regret. "After I kicked her out Bill had picked her up from the side of the road and brought her to the race. I hated the fact she had done that. I hated Tom so I asked Chase if I could race instead of him" I said softly. "I won and Tom didn't like that" I sighed.

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