"You got to be fucking kidding me"

362 11 19

"Don't worry about coming back Jai. I'm done with this" I screamed at him as he shut the door.



I rolled over and slowly opened my puffy eyes. I grabbed my phone and there was 24 missed calls from Jai. I had been in tears all night hating that we had just had a fight. The room felt strange without him. Waking up alone was an unfamiliar experience after a long time. I wanted to know what had happened. I slowly sat up in bed contemplating my next move.

"Jai" I said low.

"Ashley I'm so sorry" Jai spoke into the phone.

"I know and I am too" I replied.

"I won't be able to make it to the wedding this afternoon but hopefully I'll be there by tomorrow morning" he said soft.

"Jai why did you have to leave?" I questioned.

"Adam started shit with Matteo" he said low.

"Fuck" I whispered.

"I know I just didn't want you to worry" he spoke. "Okay I have to leave now. I love you" he added.

"Bye" I replied bluntly before hanging up.

I dropped back down into the bed and stared at the ceiling. I wanted to be done with him, but I needed him just as much as he needed me. The anger lingered, but I knew we could work it out once he got back. I then got out of bed and started to walk into the kitchen where I made my cup of coffee. I walked out onto the balcony and began to drink my coffee while watching the sun peak above the city buildings. The wedding started at 4 and I needed to be there by at least 3 so I could be there with Bree. I had a couple hours to get myself ready before leaving.


I placed my hair straighter down before taking a step back and flicking my hair around, ensuring it was perfect. My hair had grown so much, and I loved it though I missed the dark crimson red. My makeup was simple, with a touch of brown eyeshadow and a small wing. I then picked up my phone to check the time. I had an half an hour to get dressed and drive to hers. As I went to put my phone down it started to ring.

"Ashley" Jai spoke low.

"Jai? What's happened?" I said with worry in my tone.

"It's fucked. I don't know what to do" he said with a sigh.

"What happened?" I repeated myself.

"Last night Adam decided it would be a good idea to invite many people to a race and made everyone bet on either him or Matteo..." he started.

"Keep going" I said with sigh as he stopped talking.

"Adam ended up losing" he continued.

"So?" I said fixing my lipstick in the mirror.

"Adam.. he went down to their house and stole drugs, money and..." he started before he stopped.

"What Jai. And what?" I said annoyed.

"He's taken Matteo's sister Luna" he spat out. My heart ached for a moment. This had to be a joke.

"Please tell me that's not true Jai" I said angry. "Put him on the phone" I added with blooding boiling up inside of me.

Adam was not right in taking her. Losing didn't justify taking Luna, who, despite her challenging background, was genuinely sweet. I had met her before, and we got on though me and her fathers' rivalry. I was furious with Adam. Having gone through a similar situation with Tom, I knew the heartbreak of being taken for no reason. I knew that Adam wouldn't hurt Luna, he probably did it in attempt to intimidate Matteo and his father, but such an act could start war in Rome, and I wasn't there to defuse the situation.

"I'm not there. I've been trying to call him" Jai spoke.

"I'll be on the first flight tomorrow Jai" I said with a sigh.

"It's fine Ashely. I'm trying my best. Just give him a call and he'll listen to you" he said softly.

"I can't believe him" I said low. "I'm going call him now" I added.

"I love you bye" he said with a smile before I quickly hung up.

Frustrated, I repeatedly called Adam, but there was no answer. I put my phone on the bench and sighed, I had to get through the wedding before I could leave. I walked into the kitchen and poured a bit of champagne into a wine glass. As I took the first sip I thought to myself what if I didn't go back? I let out a slight laugh I knew I couldn't I had started something in Rome, and it was all I ever hoped for. I had everything.

I lent on the bench gazing at the city overwhelmed by my thoughts. I had zero planned for what to do when I got back. I didn't know if there was any point of trying to stop the madness that would unfold. I soon finished the glass of wine and sighed. Temptation to pour another glass lingered, but I knew it wouldn't be good for me. I slowly gazed up at the clock before slamming my hand over my mouth.

"Shit" I mumbled.

I ran back into the bathroom and snatched my phone off the bench before running to the room. I quickly unclothed and grabbed the bag with the dress inside. I quickly threw the dress on before grabbing the bag on my bedside table. I quickly slipped on my heels and began to wobble to the big mirror in the living room examining my outfit one last time. I then quickly walked to the bench and snatched up my keys before walking out of the hotel room and down the hallway. I slammed my finger onto the elevator button and began to wait. It was taking so long so I began to slam the button multiple times. I pulled my phone from my bag the wedding would begin in less than 30 minutes. I moaned and started to smash the elevator button before beginning to run to the stairs until I heard the elevator button ding.

"You got to be fucking kidding me" I moaned to myself as I ran back to the elevator.

I stepped into the elevator and began to violently press the ground button. The elevators door soon opened and I quickly stepped out and began to exit the hotel. I started to search the street for a taxi until one rolled up beside me.

"Hey" the man said while rolling down the window.

"Hi" I said softly while walking closer to the car.

I gave him the address and got into the car and we were soon enough flying down the street. At this point Bree would already be at the ceremony so there was no need to go to her house anymore. I kept checking my phone in worry, I knew I was going to be late. We were getting closer and closer but not fast enough. I felt guilty because I promised I would be early. I gazed and the venue not far up we were now close. I started to gather my things before my phone rang. I picked my phone up and it was Jai calling. I hung up and began to undo my seat belt before the car came to a halt.

"Thank you" I said softly before jumping out of the car.

"No worries" he spoke as I slammed the door.

I started to walk closer to the venue doors until Jai called once again. I looked at the time I was already late and I didn't have time. I moaned to myself before answering the phone as I walked into the building.

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