Chapter 3

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One week later... One day until the first results come out.

Forrest's POV

"Only 55 students out of the thousands signed up read the fine print," Chris says. Gosh dang it these kids are supposed to be smart! I can't have dunderheads walking around here and managing money!

"Is there at least one in each section?" I ask nervously.

"Yes," Chris says, "The lowest is two people in a section."

"Thank goodness,"

"Yes," Chris smiles, "It was close."

"So what-" I'm interrupted by my phone. "Sorry," I say and answer it. "Hello, Forest here."

"Forest you have to get down here. There are some men here," my secretary pauses and whispers, "From the US government."

"What do they want?" I ask.

"They think that your being unfair in your way of testing the students,"

"Send them to the meeting room I'll be down in a few," I say, and am about to hang up when she stops me.

"Also you have a press conference at 2 and a dinner outing with the Prime Minister at 6:30, sharp. So don't be late for those," she takes a breath. "Also you have to do that web cast for the announcement of the students going on tomorrow, early, so get enough sleep, bye!" She hangs up.

"US government?" Chris asks.

"I guess so and a press conference, dinner with the Prime Minister, and a live web cast tomorrow for the announcement." I say and sigh.

"Glad I'm the butler and not the big dog." Chris says, then chuckles and slaps me on the back, "I'll show you down!"

I'm to young to have this many problems.

The First Announcement Day!

Emma's POV

When I woke up that morning I laid there for a while then jumped out of bed. It was announcement day! Today I learn if my fine print reading was beneficial or not. I raced to get ready and stuffed my breakfast into my mouth before the nerves could kick in.

The bus was late, and by the time that it got there I was feeling sick with nerves and slowly climbed up the stairs. Every time the bus hit a bump my stomach lurched.

When we finally got to school, I was almost convinced I was going to puke.
But I powered threw till lunch and ate as much as I could possible stuff in my mouth. The rest of the day went by fine until Study Hall. The hallway was almost completely silent. Everyone was hurrying to there class so they could get their results. I nearly sprinted to Mrs. Brack's classroom. When I got there we still had to wait for the bell to ring and everyone sat on the edge of their seats in silence.
When the bell rang, Mrs. Brack stood up with a small pack of papers.

"I know that you have been waiting for this moment all day. But before I can tell you who will be moving on, Mr. Forest Johnston is going to talk to us about the results," she turned on the projector on and a video started.

"Hello," Forest said in a British accent, "It's me, Forest Johnston. And I'm here to talk to you about results." He smiled then the camera zoomed out and a picture appeared by his head. "Your teachers will pass out the score sheets while I'm talking," Mrs. Brack jumped up and began to pass out the papers, you could begin to hear the dejected sighs. "The papers are set up with your score at the top and other information about your sheet that you turned in. The bottom half is if you made it or not."
Mrs. Brack handed me mine, I flipped it over and watched the end of the video before I read it.

"Good luck, to everyone who passed," Forest flashed his gleaming teeth and the screen turned black.

"Begin to work on your school work after you have finished reading your note!" Mrs. Brack says and then sits down at her computer and brought up our homework for each class.

I took a deep breath and flipped over my test:

Total Score . . . 150
reading . . . 24.4
personal . . . 25.6
Directions . . . 100
Congratulations! You have made it onto the next round.

It was then signed by Forest himself. Discrete much?


When I told my parents they decided to honor me and my family went out to eat to celebrate. When I texted my friends I felt bad because only me and Grace made it in. So I went to sleep haveing spent all my energy on being worried all day.

Hope you all like it! I'm on Summer vacation now, and I'm so happy!
Hope you all are having a good day or whatever :)
Love you all!

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