Chapter 6

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Emma's POV

That same day...

After church ended, Grace and I hung out outside in the porch of the church. We watched Brett get into his dad's car and then we turned to each other as he waved at us.

"He's just kinda freaking me out," Grace says. I laugh, and she joins me.

"Soooo," I say after we had stopped laughing, "Want to come to my house and study some?"

"Of course," she says then we walk towards the church.

When we got there we had to talk to our parents, who were totally for it and the Grace was coming home with us. After we had eaten lunch, grilled cheese and tomato soup, Grace and I went upstairs to my room.

"Okay," I said.

"Okay," she said.

"Stop flirting with me!" We both shout and then we're laughing.

"Okay," she says and I snort, "What are we going to study?"

"Should we research some stuff to study?" I say reaching for my laptop and flip it open.

"I tried that, and I couldn't find anything," Grace says falling on my bed. "This is so hard." She drags out 'hard' and rolls onto her face.

I roll my eyes and smile then type into the search bar: 'Forest Johnston studying techniques'. I click on the first link and scroll down to see who published the site.

Johnston & Co.

Studying the art of the 'America Project'

"Looks like you didn't look hard enough," I say to Grace and she sits up immediately and looks over my shoulder.

"Now I know how you got 100 Directions," she mumbles, I punch her lightly on her arm and she laughs. I print the site.

And that is how we were for the next two hours. Studying for much higher level tests then we are used to and worrying about how we were going to pass.

Forest's POV

The same day...

I had skipped church.

Isn't that the best way to start a day that can make or break your plans for the future.

Instead of reclining in my house in England and working on the new design for the Air-Rider, I was on a private jet going across the Atlantic to the heart of America. Now, I was very nervous and NOT RELAXED.

Why was this so stressful? All I was doing was going to America, talking a bunch of random, smart people, giving them money and trying to make the world a better place. I also was trying to impress the United Nations, especially the Prime Minister, and the President.

I am SO stressed right now.

I think I am going to die.

"No your not," says Chris making me jump.


"You are not going to die," he says matter-of-factly, reading his book, then looks up and cocks his head to the side, "Actually, technically you will die, but you won't die because of your stress right now."

I massage my temples with my fingers.

"I said that out loud?" I groan.

"Yep!" Chris says and laughs.

We say there for the next hour: me, dozing off and working on my new designs, and Chris, laughing to himself and reason his book.

When we finally touched down, I was so excited to do something else that I jumped up and almost waltzed off the ramp down the the ground. But I'm glad I contained my self because the second I stepped outside the plane I was bombarded by flashes and shouting reporters.

I sighed inwardly and walked behind my two body guards, who were doing an excellent job of keeping the reporters away and less annoying.

Less as in a minuscule part of a percentage.

Why did I do this again?


When we got to our hotel room in KC I crashed immediately, then Chris, my two body guards (Fred and Michelangelo) and I ordered room service and then we played some card games.

I won almost all of them. I don't think Fred and Michelangelo were trying and Chris just didn't have his heart in it. After that we all fell asleep again and when we woke up it was morning, the reality sunk in.

Project America was actually working.

Hey! *awkward smile*
Yes, I know, I know, I haven't been on in forever.
I have no real explanation besides school. (Ew, school). Lowkey hate it, but whatever.
Hope you enjoy, and I will try to update more often!

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