Chapter 44

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Emma's POV

I was surprisingly having a lot of fun with the others. I was not the most adventurous person ever, and I was starting to get tired after such a long day. But hanging out with the two people who I had become so close to in the past few weeks and the other two boys that I had only really met recently was really fun.

"So what are we going to do now?" Alison asked. I shrugged and out of the corner of my eye I saw both Forest and Landon copy my movement. Alison stuck her tongue out at us. "Well, you three're no help." She sighed.

"I mean we could always just head back to the hotel and play a game with everyone else," Landon said and Gerald's eyebrows rose.

"We should probably be careful which games we play," Gerald said trying not to laugh when he and Alison made eye contact. Landon looked slightly confused.

"You don't want Cora to get any ideas, do you?" I asked not being able to stop the soft laugh that escaped my lips.

"Oh," Landon's eyes widened in realization. "Yeah, no, that definitely knocks out a few ideas I had." We all laughed softly and made our way back where the last SUV was waiting to pick us up.

"Truth or Dare seems a safe enough bet," Forest offered as we climbed into the car.

"If we're playing that then we better have a lot of peanut butter on hand," Gerald said, the car began moving.

"Why's that?" Landon asked looking at Gerald curiously.

"Someone's going to be reenacting the peanut butter baby vine, obviously."


We walked back into the hotel and Forest took the lead, walking us to one of the meeting rooms near the back of the lobby. When we entered, everyone's eyes shot to us. It was the rest of the group and they were all sitting around on couches and beanbags that had been brought into the room. There was a large projector set up and it and Guardians of the Galaxy was playing on the screen.

"Where have you five been?" Cora asked accusingly, ignoring the movie.

"Lost," Gerald said simply and plopped down next to Harper on a beanbag. I heard Landon stifle a laugh as I moved to sit on the last smaller couch. Alison sat down beside me, tucking her legs under herself and grinning at Cora's frown.

Landon and Forest both moved simultaneously toward where Alison and I were sitting. They both noticed the other and what looked like a mental battle happened between the two of them before they both sat on the ground at our feet. Forest was leaning against the couch in between Alison and I while Landon leaned upon the arm of the couch, his arm was brushing against my leg. This was very distracting and was definitely going to end with me turning into a tomato so I shifted to sit with my legs crossed on the cushions.

We had missed most of the film so there were only a few minutes left. Looking at the clock I was surprised to see that it was almost eleven. When the film had finished quite a few of the others got up, stifling yawns, and said goodnight. When they had left Cora was the first to speak.

"I thought I heard something about a game," she said, flipping her hair behind her shoulder. "We should play something."

"Truth or Dare, then Cora," Gerald said a slight smirk on his face. Cora took in his expression and pursed her lips.


Gerald looked put out, "Why do you spend so much time on your hair?" He sounded bored.

Cora's eyes narrowed, "So it doesn't turn into the mop that's on your head," she frowned then turned, suddenly smiling, "Forest! Truth or Dare?"

One of Forest's eyebrows rose, "uh, let's go with dare." He said hesitatingly.

Cora smiled slowly, batting her eyelashes. I heard Alison snort. "I dare you to hop on one foot until it's your turn again." Forest huffed, but got up and moved to stand behind the couch Alison and I were sitting on and began jumping. He looked so miserable it was really funny.

"Alison, truth or dare," Forest said, Alison was grinning widely at him.

"Dare, Johnston," she said.

"I dare you to yodel."

"Ooo!" Alison jumped up and put her hands up to cup around her mouth. "YodelaYHEEHOoo!"

Everyone laughed. Well, everyone but Cora, anyway.

Alison plopped down next to me and turned to Landon, a glint was in her eye. For some reason, it made me nervous.

"Truth or dare, Landon?"

Landon looked up at Alison and gave a lazy smile, "truth me up."

"Who's the prettiest person in the room—" Alison asked and then held up her hand, "And you can't say yourself, it has to be someone else. We all know you have an enormous ego."

"So you're asking who I think the second most pretty person in the room is?" Landon clarified grinning. Alison rolled her eyes. "Hmmm," he said, his eyes traveled around the room, his grin widening. "That's an easy one."






hey friends, just wanted to drop in and tell you all that I posted a new collection of short stories/scenes that I've written. It's called "Etc." on my profile and it would be super cool if you could all check it out!

As always, thanks for reading<3,, don't forget to leave a vote and a comment!

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