Chapter 37

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Emma's POV

It was quiet for a long time. No one said anything until Harper broke the silence by offering Forest and Landon some of his chocolate stash. Forest politely refused but Landon grinned and accepted a Snickers waving it under Forest's nose saying, "Come on, Johnston, you're not you when you're hungry."

Harper thought that was hilarious and burst out laughing. The sound shocked Gerald so badly as he had been looking out the window as we drove through the Spanish streets that he rammed into Alison who sat next to him.

"Shove off, weirdo," was her response, shoving him back towards the window. Gerald just grinned.

"So," Landon said when Harper had quieted his laughter, "I know Forest, of course," Forest rolled his eyes, "and I met the three of you on the plane," his eyes flicked over each of us in the back as he said, "Gerald, Alison, and Emma." I could have sworn he smirked at me, goodness gracious. "Who are you, oh bringer of chocolate?" he asked, turning back to Harper.

"Harper," he grinned, "I blend into the shadows because it keeps the chocolate from melting." This made everyone chuckle.

"So what's the plan?" Gerald asked, looking over at Forest.

"We've got an activist group who are going to be showing us around and helping us pick up trash on the nearest beach." Forest maintained eye contact with Gerald as he responded but I thought something seemed off, he looked almost nervous, shy. As if sensing my curious look Forest's eyes moved to look at me. "For lunch we'll have some eco-friendly meals, I'm assuming sandwiches of some kind." Was that a reference to the horribly awkward meeting back at the mansion? I mentally face-palmed, ugh, I needed to work on my small talk skills.

"I am a fan of the environment and bread!" Alison added unhelpfully. I could feel her laughter.

Forest's responding smile was answer enough, suddenly the window was very interesting. And my face was definitely NOT blushing... not even a little.

Gerald dove into a tale about one time he had gone to Florida and found a bunch of crabs on the beach, I was thankful because it gave me time to get my features in check. When I turned around again to face the rest of the occupants of the car I briefly made eye contact with Forest who gave me a friendly grin. I couldn't not mirror it—darn you good looking Brits!!

I felt the car slowing and looked out the window again and saw a giant beach with a group of people with bright yellow and orange safety vests on. Some of the group began moving towards us as the cars pulled up. I could see some people off to the side who were carrying big black bags that I had learned quickly were camera bags.

Great, paparazzi.

I must have not been the only one thinking this as I saw Forest's jaw clench and his eyes briefly close. He took a deep breath, flashed us all a camera ready grin that only Landon returned and opened the door adding, "Here we go," softly as he stepped out, sunglasses moving to cover his eyes.

I met Harper, Alison and Gerald's eyes with a mutual grimace as Harper followed out Landon. I climbed over the seat and was met with a grin—bordering on a smirk— two differently colored eyes and an outstretched hand to help me out of the car.

What have I gotten myself into?



So I finally got around to writing a few chapters so be ready for a few regular updates! (Yay procrastination!!!!)

thanks for reading and voting ;))

love you all!

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